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Lorion97 t1_ix030i0 wrote

Fuck just being more productive, life is not about work and I wish everyone would stop treating happiness as something we can forgo for the sake of "productivity".


NihiliSloth t1_ix04l1p wrote

Agreed 100%

Happiness to me is being without stress and being able to go and do what I want with my family. It’s eating good food, drinking coffee, taking a hike, and smoking a joint. Being happy to me, is belting my favorite songs and getting lost in the emotion and rhythm of music. Happiness is watching my little one grow as well as my plants. Happiness is petting my cat. Happiness is so many things.

Happiness directly relates to what can benefit me. Even being productive for myself and achieving goals I set for myself make me happy.

Being productive and making money for a company while they barely pay a living wage and treat their employees like replaceable cogs in a machine does not in any way correlate to happiness. It correlates to never ending stress and suffering.


Lorion97 t1_ix1tl1e wrote

What I was more insinuating was that there's a hyper fixation on productivity and it feels incredibly hollow when bosses go "I'm going to help make my workers happy for my benefit."

Which I get as a boss is what you want, more production for more profits. But it feels incredibly manipulative and alienating. Because unless you being happy makes you more productive those changes to make you happier for the short time you are here on Earth won't be made.

Like you can't just have an increase of happiness without an increase of productivity. Productivity comes first always regardless of emotional wellbeing. Emotional wellbeing is just a luxury.


NihiliSloth t1_ix1viot wrote

Well yeah, we are programmed to frown upon laziness. If people aren’t being productive, they are seen as lazy. And we can’t have that, now can we? There are societal standards for a reason. It’s to make the wealthy, wealthier.