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YeetThePig t1_ix109g8 wrote

In all likelihood, we’re going to cling to capitalism because the wealthy and powerful demand it, decay into full-blown fascism propped up by automation and resource wars, mass extermination of the poor and unemployed where possible (through either violence or willful neglect), and when that inevitably no longer remains feasible, total collapse of society. Should our species and a sufficient amount of technology survive that, there’s definitely a slim chance at a civilized AI-enabled humanity to emerge from the ashes.


NihiliSloth t1_ix10h5a wrote

Yeah and that’s the problem. Fuck capitalism.


YeetThePig t1_ix11oh5 wrote

Yeah, I would concur that that would be the rational response. Unfortunately, we’re not a rational species to begin with, and the political and economic power are all concentrated in the hands of particularly irrational sociopaths. So as a result, humanity gets to witness what happens when the unstoppable force of automation-driven capitalism meets the immovable object of human needs.


NihiliSloth t1_ix149vn wrote

Yeah someone else on this thread questioned why I think CEO’s and other extremely wealthy people are psychopaths. It’s because they are. People don’t obtain that amount of money and power by being nice and giving to people. They obtain it because they take what they want, regardless if they hurt people or not. And oftentimes it does involve hurting people. They simply do not care. They only stop when someone else keeps them in check due to illegal activity. But some people have enough wealth and power they can just pay their way out of situations and they are exempt from the law.

People like the person questioning me (who think the workings of large corporations is completely okay) will never get it because they are a part of the problem. They lack sympathy and empathy for what’s really transpiring. They fail to realize that humans are meant to work together, not against each other. And when we do work against each other, in the end, it will only lead to failure. History repeats itself time and time again. People refuse to learn.


YeetThePig t1_ix17j80 wrote


“Great Filter, dead ahead, cap’n!” “Excellent! Hold course and accelerate to flanking speed!”


Artanthos t1_ix26we0 wrote

Total collapse of society is unlikely.

If society eliminates most of the lower and mid classes while maintaining production it would create abundance for the upper classes.

It would suck to be a part of society that is no longer needed, but it will be the upper classes that write the history books.