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billybaconbaked t1_ixdzffv wrote

Dumb kid. Poor kid can't do math.

This whole post is dismounted on just calculating the efficiency of producing Hydrogen, at an AMAZING 50% efficiency in a machine that never breaks, using amazing Natural Gas to feed such machine since Canada is not deploying more nuclear, just faking some investments in modular reactors. SO IT IS NAT GAS FEEDING THIS SYSTEM.

SIMPLE. MATH. Canada is going to burn natural gas, at low efficiency, to transform into electricity, put into de grid, somewhere that is going to be used at an electrolosis plant, producing Hydrogn... and needs A LOT of energy to cool it down to transport it. And then you burn that amazing H2 into the most perfect 50% efficiency engine... look at the amount of steps that you are losing a LOT of that energy. It's a machine that does not work.

Believing in such thing, doing the SIMPLE MATH of efficiency drop, even removing tons of steps and pretending the world is magical, this will make more CO2 then help in anything.

Iron Air. Sure... Salt batteries also, right? Fusion energy maybe? Tech that DOES NOT EXIST... thanks a lot. Super argument. Amazing discussion.

Promisses of the future. Go r/Futurology

You are very dense. You never discussed anything. Bye bye. Amazing 'discussion'. I hope you remember this in 5 years when Canada launches this amazing project.

Maybe you should watch more podcasts... just not JoeRogan... maybe you should frequent r/science and r/Futurology less and have more physics classes.