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wasteddrinks t1_ixcwes9 wrote

Carbon capture technology is just a get put of jail free card for carbon emitting industry and fossil fuel producers. Rich companies and people buying a green washed image.


BlameIt_OnTheTetons t1_ixdbcej wrote

Just curious.

What's your solution for energy transition? Immediately halt all fossil fuel based energies?

Carbon capture technologies offer an excellent solution to bridge the transition to green energies. We can't simply shut off the fossil fuel energy switch without risking societial chaos.


wasteddrinks t1_ixdgjqh wrote

>What's your solution for energy transition? Immediately halt all fossil fuel based energies?

Absolutely no one is suggesting an "immediate halt" of fossil fuels is viable.

I disagree with your suggestion that carbon capture technology is a >bridge the transition to green energies . The only way it can be a viable net reducer of carbon is by using 100% green energy. It's creating additional energy usage. I haven't seen any studies that take into account the amount of carbon it takes to build, maintain, and decommission these projects either.

It should be a pretty tell tail sign that a huge amount of funding for these projects comes from fossil fuel producers. Go to Google and search"carbon capture". The first results will be companies like Exon mobile. Carbon capture is the this generation plastic recycling debacle. Large oil companies are shifting the blame onto someone else while they reap the profits and pretend to care about the consequences.