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panstuckyo t1_ixgf81t wrote

Dude, it’s just dough, pizza sauce, and some cheese. Its okay. It’s not the blueprints to a nuclear submarine.


duderguy91 t1_ixgfbot wrote

I mean there’s bad pizza and good pizza. It baffles me that bad pizza is the foundation of the “biggest pizza chain on the planet.” Not exactly groundbreaking to be surprised by that lol.


turtleman777 t1_ixgttxf wrote

You seem very easily baffled. Prepare to have your mind blown: The biggest burger chain on the planet also serves "bad burgers". Same for every single other type of food.

You don't get to be a multinational corporation making billions a year by making high quality food that no one can afford. You do it by selling a billion cheap meals. Quantity over quality


Theboomman t1_ixgykqe wrote

Just like how bud light is super popular yet one of the worst ones out there.


[deleted] t1_ixgg9hd wrote



duderguy91 t1_ixggfq6 wrote

Fair point, just was never a popular option in my area and is largely irrelevant where I’m from. Never knew it was the second biggest pizza chain until today.

Genuinely do find it disgusting but also poking fun.


ReconstructedPickle t1_ixgii3v wrote

Pizza Hut is just meh to me, granted its been over five years since I’ve had it. You know what chain has always been awful though? Dominos.


duderguy91 t1_ixgj5jj wrote

Yeah if I’m getting cheap pizza I’ll just get Little Caesar’s since it all tastes similar. If I’m getting decent pizza I’ll just get the local place down the road. Nice little family restaurant that makes a really good pizza.


ReconstructedPickle t1_ixgkqtg wrote

Oh lord I haven’t had little Caesar’s in ages… The mere thought of their pizza is enough to give me acid reflux lol.

100% man, any local food joint is better than a chain.


duderguy91 t1_ixgkt0t wrote

Same lol, but at least the pain only costs $5 lol!


CeleryCool24 t1_ixgj2j9 wrote

You’ve just been conditioned to think it’s bad. It’s ok, a lot of people fall for it


GoldenCelestial t1_ixgmmub wrote

The only one conditioning me to think it's pizza hut...because it's D tier garbage pizza.


duderguy91 t1_ixgj8jb wrote

Or it was just horrendous pizza when I had it last lol. It’s always been notoriously greasy. Like they deep fried the crust.


Mizonel t1_ixh7ooc wrote

Greasy food in the land of the fat people. How's that hard to believe.


Scro86 t1_ixhxlwy wrote

Was it pizza by Alfredo or Alfredo’s pizza kitchen?


gimme20regular_cash t1_ixhz9hj wrote

I see the downvotes but I hear you. For me, living in an area of the US known for good real pizza, these big pizza chains notoriously don’t do great. I do know that this is NOT the case in parts of the country where good pizza isn’t a thing


duderguy91 t1_ixhzpxy wrote

What’s funny is I live in a pretty lame area. I don’t like in NYC or anything lol. Apparently Pizza Hut is a very touchy subject for people.


gimme20regular_cash t1_ixi6njl wrote

NJ/NYC metro area here. I find people order from these big chains mostly out of convenience (late at night or they had a coupon to use up). Otherwise the mom and pop joints dominate the area. I only realized the big chains are popular when I left the area