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ReconstructedPickle t1_ixgii3v wrote

Pizza Hut is just meh to me, granted its been over five years since I’ve had it. You know what chain has always been awful though? Dominos.


duderguy91 t1_ixgj5jj wrote

Yeah if I’m getting cheap pizza I’ll just get Little Caesar’s since it all tastes similar. If I’m getting decent pizza I’ll just get the local place down the road. Nice little family restaurant that makes a really good pizza.


ReconstructedPickle t1_ixgkqtg wrote

Oh lord I haven’t had little Caesar’s in ages… The mere thought of their pizza is enough to give me acid reflux lol.

100% man, any local food joint is better than a chain.


duderguy91 t1_ixgkt0t wrote

Same lol, but at least the pain only costs $5 lol!