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proarnis1 t1_ixgvc3x wrote

Comparing unreal engine because it looks "like real life" to being in simulation is incredibly stupid, look at us and find most complex part about us thats feelings now goodluck making feelings without actually somehow simulating our neuron networks that causes emotions and possible even our thoughts. Looking real isnt equal to being real.


AunderscoreW t1_ixh5h8v wrote

How so? At what point does something cross from looking real enough to being real?


proarnis1 t1_ixh5rpz wrote

We already reached the point where it looks real, but we are at 0 when it comes to simulating emotions 1 thing that makes us human.


izumi3682 OP t1_ixj0g33 wrote

I beg to differ. Animals have the emotions of affection, fear, envy and loyalty and probably some others I can't think of offhand. Emotions are derived from biological imperatives. I don't think that they will be difficult to simulate. I put it like this once. What might be difficult to simulate is phenomenology that arises from consciousness. But heck, in 20 years we'll probably lick that problem too.


proarnis1 t1_ixk32x9 wrote

Animals or humans doesnt matter i said human because we are humans who cares about animals on this topic considering even right now AI uses human created resources not animal created resources. Also by saying "in 20 years we gnn solve this" u dont realize that we may eventually reach a cap on technology and probably will be stuck for 50+ years using same things without creating something new till someone invents something that will revolutionize AI so we can continue solving this.


izumi3682 OP t1_ixkchde wrote

I think there is a small chance that you are right, but a far more vast chance that you are wrong. I don't think anything is going to "cap" any longer. No more AI winters ever again. Further, this is the reason I am fairly confident that a 'human unfriendly' (that is the computing and computing derived AI will be external from the human mind) "technological singularity" is going to occur about the year 2029, give or take two years.


izumi3682 OP t1_ixj5kam wrote

You entirely miss my point. I used the demonstration of unreal engine to show how even today, very primitive today, we are already leaping over the uncanny valley of simulations failing to look like real life. Watch the development of VR, watch the development of videogames and Metaverses, like "Second Life" that has been showing how it's done since 2005, I think. Watch the development of computing processing speed, novel architecture and "big data". Watch the development of devices like the "Neuralink" and it's already extant competitors. Watch the development of ever more profoundly detailed scientific simulations of our universe and its components, based on our known laws of physics.

None of these alone lead to simulated realities that we take for real today, or may actually be real to some, for all intents and purposes. Although even today people experience addiction to these simulated realities. Addiction to video games? But all of these technologies along with some I'm probably leaving out, plus modification to the human mind (a human friendly technological singularity) will lead to genuine realities. And I think we shall all live long enough to experience them. Even somebody who is 105 years old today. But that is a whole other can of futurology worms ;)

This links to an essay I wrote that goes more in depth into my thoughts on the matter if you are further interested.