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[deleted] t1_ixhkbdu wrote



CathodeRayNoob t1_ixhszug wrote

Being a NEET surely requires external factors, including pure privilege— but I think you’d quickly find the number greatly reduced if bagging paid $30/hour.


djdogood t1_ixi6swe wrote

Im glad you brought up that they often have others sustain them.

To be frank, I"m kind of jealous of these people. Like you can just sit around and be, and people still love and take care of you.

I have a residual "nothing i do is good enough" and "i never work hard enough" from my family. I've worked since i was 17 and was expected to miss holidays, ect as I was young and "just getting started". I wasn't really invited to them once I moved out on my own. I'm considered the slacker out of my cousins. As I only have a bachelors, i don't have my own house, and i don't have a life partner. I wish i could just be and people would be ok with "DJdoogood needs help, and we got them."


Karasumor1 t1_ixho0xu wrote

it's not about enjoying the job or finding passion imo some of us just can't get exploited and pretend it's all fine and dandy... why waste away in an unnecessary or even harmful wage-slavery just to pay a useless landlord


majarian t1_ixhtbhd wrote

Shit I spent a decade building houses ill never be able to afford just to get priced out of renting in the area and losing my job due to it.....

I give I can't work my ass off just to get layed off between projects every time, my mother biyches about working for a bank for fourty years I'd be tickled if an electrical outfit would keep us around for more that two.... took a way less stressful job at less pay and I'll just rent till i die I guess


[deleted] t1_ixhr0de wrote



Karasumor1 t1_ixhrtu9 wrote

decades of suffering and exploitation , being forced to exist in the unlivable hellhole of capitalism does absurd damage to mental health and a lot of it can't be fixed while the root cause is still causing harm


Salahuddin315 t1_ixhwxmz wrote

Yeah, right. "I refuse to be exploited by the capitalist society, so I'm going to exploit my parents and my girlfriend by leeching money out of them to watch Netflix all day." Very compelling.

Anyone can be a socialist when there is someone else to pay for their socialism. Mr. Eberstadt is clearly an educated and polite man, so he tactfully skirted around saying this directly, but he gives the answer in plain sight. If those guys' parents and partners stopped carrying their lazy deadbeat asses, they'd be back on track in no time.


New2thegame t1_ixhs7x0 wrote

I generally agree... however, I think the principle is that if you try hard, even a menial job can give you a sense of pride when done well. It also gives you a sense of pride to know that you have provided for yourself, your needs, and the needs of your loved ones, even if, or especially if you did it by enduring a crappy job. Think of the people who work in the fields for 12 hours a day. There's not a lot of pride that comes from giving up. Sure you can survive, but survival is different than pride. At the end of the day, whether we like it or not, people need something to be proud of and I think there's something significant about knowing that you have endured enough to provide for yourself. Just a humble thought.


DeltaV-Mzero t1_ixifzxe wrote

I appreciate your thoughts but do not think you can apply it universally

some people will get a sense of pride form having worked a tough job and gotten a sub-living wage

Others will do the same job, get no gratification from it at all, and dread the prospect of wasting 80% of their waking hours of life doing something they hate


etzel1200 t1_ixhsu03 wrote

Because that’s how society functions. Instead you just end up a parasite. Work moves society forward.


etzel1200 t1_ixhsobt wrote

What is the demographic if I may ask?


[deleted] t1_ixhwtpc wrote



etzel1200 t1_ixia9zg wrote

Dropped out at fourth grade definitely seems like a parental responsibility thing. Woah.


Michaelmyers69420 t1_ixhycyk wrote

Honestly sounds pretty sweet lol is working 8 hours a day at a job you are meh about better? Helping the elites get richer?


Morlik t1_ixi620y wrote

Sounds sweet for the person who doesn't have to work and gets to spend all of their time however they please. Not so sweet for the spouse and family that you burden like a weight around their neck.


Michaelmyers69420 t1_ixi8ihd wrote

I am more talking about people on disability or with trusts where they can live perpetually rather then mooches that siphon needed money off their families. Living perpetually without feeding into the consumerist and capitalist system with little is better then being a wage slave to the machine and gaining more for what, nothing.


Baalsham t1_ixi3qap wrote

I noticed this with a lot of children of the upper middle class. Seems like a disproportionate amount of them became delinquents or NEETs. Most the NEETs were spoiled rotten and either gave up the first year of college or they never tried at all.