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Gari_305 OP t1_iycr55c wrote

>I'm ok with this as long as it's only scientists going. The moment billionaires start building spaces bases and moon mansions.....hell no.

Sorry to burst your bubble there but yeah u/18LJ the moon is going to be mined to high heaven because trillions in profits are at stake.


Carbidereaper t1_iycx6au wrote

Better the moon than the earth


Gari_305 OP t1_iycxymq wrote

True especially since Helium 3 is on the moon which when mined can be used to give us Fusion Energy as seen here

>Of these, helium‑3 represents the most significant potential in the field of energy. This non-radioactive isotope is an ideal fuel for the operation of a fusion reactor; it consists of fusing helium‑3 with deuterium, with the advantage of not producing neutrons.

And since there are tones on the Moon we're looking at Fusion energy for tens of thousands of years

China Knows this as seen here

As do we, so yeah you're right better there on the Moon than here on earth.

The race has begun