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brettins t1_ixvbwx7 wrote

I'd be interested to know the rest of the operating costs for fission. As far as I know a fusion reactor breaking down is harmless and will just stop. I expect a lot of the operating costs of a fission reactor is related to safety and preventing meltdowns, which won't be a concern with fission.

I don't have actual numbers mind you, just speculating.


billdietrich1 t1_ixvgds6 wrote

> As far as I know a fusion reactor breaking down is harmless and will just stop.

Well, in both fusion and fission there are a lot of "breakdowns" that can be far from harmless. You're dealing with high-pressure high-temperature steam, a big generator with high electrical currents, etc. In addition, fusion may have high voltages or currents in the confinement magnets and controls. These are not radioactive meltdowns or releases, but they're serious if something fails.

> rest of the operating costs for fission

Well, again, for fission and fusion both there are systems and moving parts that need to be maintained, replaced, etc.

> I expect a lot of the operating costs of a fission reactor is related to safety and preventing meltdowns

I wouldn't assume that. And the controls of a fusion reactor are likely to be MORE complex than the controls of a fission reactor. The other plant controls (steam, cooling, generator, transmission, etc) should be the same for both.