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atjones111 t1_ixq9ilo wrote

Those Tesla semis will be released any day now right? Right?


Surur t1_ixqo4vw wrote


atjones111 t1_ixqpjnd wrote

I’ll believe them when I see them on the road


quettil t1_ixu6afr wrote

Then you'll just find something else to complain about.


atjones111 t1_ixug1ij wrote

What? No I like the Tesla model 3 and what not. I just hate teslas (Elon musks) marketing schemes, it’s a lot of vapor and I feel like the cyber truck and semi are that


Surur t1_ixqqbkk wrote

Fortunately, you will not have to wait very long then.


ahchx t1_ixrvxcf wrote

lol you got downvoted because of a fact, they annunced since feburay? that they will delivery the first ones on december, but remember: REDDIT=ANTI TESLA. so anything related to tesla is downvoted. I help with an upvote but that wont change anything, anti-tesla-reddit is too strong.


hujnya t1_ixseyx2 wrote

Reddit isn't anti Tesla, Tesla just likes to promise what it can't deliver.