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sneakypiiiig t1_iy3p1pp wrote

The future is now. The past is gone, and your job with it. This has exciting but scary implications for designers/artists.


CaptainC0medy t1_iy3pg64 wrote

Maybe concept design but tryi g to make consistent scenes is going to be a bottleneck for a long time


HerrSchnabeltier t1_iy41h1m wrote

Who writes the prompts? Who sifts through the unusable results, to pick out the good ones? Who adjusts and deals with those good ones?

I'm baffled, articles like this usually have responses that are either

a) 'Future is now, there it is, AI takes over everything and instantaneously, we'll all lose our jobs'

or b) 'But it can't do X yet and never will', with the goalpost being moved around constantly, based on what it currently can or can not do.


dbabon t1_iy4lco6 wrote

Who writes the prompts? Who sifts through unusable results, to pick out the good ones?

An intern, maybe. Definitely not someone who trained all their life to do art for a living.

I’ve noticed that just about everyone I see defending this tech against possible ramifications for artists are usually… not artists.


sneakypiiiig t1_iy448no wrote

Well big brain, where there used to be 20 jobs there would now be 5. Yes, there are still jobs but far fewer.

And I didn’t say either of those things you wrote.


HerrSchnabeltier t1_iy4900z wrote

I see - discussion with you seems pointless, but I'm happy you were at least able to do the math on disappearing jobs before the rest of us.


walter10h t1_iy4eytd wrote

Are you kidding? This will save me HOURS of work! Time to study AI and use it as a tool. There will be less jobs in the near future, but new ones will eventually emerge.


mynamewasalreadygone t1_iy7mb1i wrote

AI has come out of left field seemingly overnight and has hit the art community like train. Going to be interesting to see where it lands in a few short years