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UniversalMomentum t1_j23zblv wrote

We aren't going to get AI and there probably won't be many AIs. You are imagining everyday robotics with AI, but they will only have machine learning, not sentience.

We aren't going to put living programs in our TVs and vaccum cleaners and we don't want to enslave AI for simple labor jobs either, that's all just good programming and machine learning.

MOST of what you imagine AI doing will just be done by machine learning that has no chance of developing sentience.


YouDontKnowMyLlFE t1_j2492uy wrote

How is any of what you said a meaningful response? ML, language processing model, AI, same difference.

The scale of resources necessary to create the most powerful of these tools is only achievable by nations and their largest corporations.

Those with access to these tools will be capable of performing many feats faster and/or better than those without.

The business of ads, software development, medical care, insurance, risk analysis, behavioral modification, logistics, investment firms, etc. are all going to go to whoever has the best tools for handfuls of sapiens to apply.

You think the illusion of choice is bad now?

You think the distribution of wealth is bad now?

I believe it’s going to get a whole lot worse if these tools exist in a watered down state for the public and a socioeconomic weapon of mass destruction for the few.


Willbilly1221 t1_j24ig9w wrote

I agree, its not the harm from AI itself directly toward humans, its the harm caused by humans who have access to AI as a tool and wield it to influence society to their world view. We are already in a position where a select few decide the rules of the game we play call society, and the select few usually win at this game. Handing over a game genie full of cheat codes to the select few that generally always win, further solidifies their position of power to stamp out any unwanted change by that group, regardless the impact it has to the rest of the world, so long as the select few are nice and comfy in their ivory towers. If you believe for a second that those with the ability to harness powerful AI for their own personal benefit would be benevolent enough to share said tool with the rest of us, I have beach front property in a land locked region to sell you for a very affordable price.


thruster_fuel69 t1_j24kt50 wrote

A select few don't decide the rules. A select few are raised above the rules, for some period in time, but the rules are made by us. It'd sad that we're collectively stupid enough to vote against our own interests, but that's humanity! Billions of stupid violent monkeys. Now with machine learning tools to make weapons with!


VisforVenom t1_j25fti1 wrote

The general population's concept of AI is also very sci-fi. I work at a bleeding edge AI company (not in the part of the company that works on the algorithms, but I do work with the actual technology relatively frequently.)

Our "robots", excluding the very basic actual physical robots, are honestly not all that intelligent. After 6 years and 3 rounds of series funding with tons of additional investment and scaling, we still rely on an Indian click farm to try to train the programs to understand very basic concepts that a child could comprehend without instruction.


r4m t1_j24xro7 wrote

It's more that an sentient AI will control will control all of them like we control our bodies. Some will be autonomous routines, also like our bodies, and some will have direct control.


NotAnAnticline t1_j27o0f5 wrote

Bro we can play Doom on our dishwashers. Of fucking course we're going to put AI in literally everything we can.


usererror99 t1_j245trx wrote

Sentience is the ability to feel and they are currently making lab-grown meat... I think people confuse sentience and conscience
