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unmellowfellow t1_j27arjs wrote

Honestly AI professionals are the last people I want to hear from unless they are talking about ways to limit said AI from replacing human workers. All this stands to do is hurt the poor while benefiting the rich. I have no respect for corporate sycophants that would gladly sell their fellow workers for an extra crust of bread. The article itself as an interview doesn't address the real societal impact AI and Automation have and the fact that it is deliberately ignored is pure corporate control in action. The need to limit the development and implementation of AI and automation as it affects employment and labor security is one of existential significance for any who must labor to provide for themselves.


12kdaysinthefire t1_j27jo2u wrote

This. I’m less concerned with AI chatbots being some kind of offensive echo chamber and more concerned with the possible lack of jobs available in the coming decades thanks to automation and corporate greed.


Sustain-ability t1_j294fp7 wrote

Give those AI chatbots a few years of training, and they'll undermine critical thinking, academia, education, and every job where someone has to write something. No wonder people like Musk are funding this. We'll be encouraged to outsource human creativity to a 1-answer-device.


reconditedreams t1_j27rrdz wrote

You're looking at it the wrong way. AI will ultimately lead to the downfall of capitalism. The bet thing any anti-capitalist can do to speed up the demise of capitalism and the emergence of a new system is to encourage automation and AI development.
