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Frangiblepani t1_iyh6slu wrote

Still waiting on: Tesla Semi, Cybertruck, Hyperloop, Tesla Phone, Neuralink, Tesla robot.

Delivered: Tesla shot glasses.

A titan of industry. Knows more about manufacturing than anyone else on Earth.


occupyOneillrings t1_iyhknwl wrote

Tesla semi delivery event is today.


redingerforcongress t1_iyhncvu wrote

Fulfilling contractional obligations shouldn't even be an "event". It shouldn't come a year later than promised.

I'd imagine if the trucks aren't delivered today, Musk is going to jail for fraud.

Other electric semi companies have delivered dozens of trucks without issue or fuss; what's holding up Tesla?


occupyOneillrings t1_iyhtzot wrote

I think it was a limited cell supply if I remember correctly, that is starting to lift somewhat or is not the limiting factor anymore.


redingerforcongress t1_iyhu6fa wrote

So, they took their customer's money and lied to them after they made demands from their suppliers. The didn't update those promises even when the supplier told them "wouldn't be possible".

Seems like robbing from Peter to pay Paul honestly


occupyOneillrings t1_iyiesi4 wrote

I don't understand what you are saying. "after they made demands from their suppliers." this part in particular.

Are you saying Tesla broke some contracts with respect to Semi deliveries or something like that?


Frangiblepani t1_iyitksw wrote

Good. For being 3 years late and being beaten to market by other EV semis, it needs to be at least as good as Musk said back at the first reveal - "cheaper than rail" etc.

I don't want Musk to fail. It would be amazing if everything he said was true, but he needs to stop lying all the time.


ExHax t1_iyh8cz9 wrote

Also Tesla Roadster "2020"


MarwyntheMasterful t1_iyhpazr wrote

So he’s basically google.


Frangiblepani t1_iyisgh0 wrote

Possibly. I don't know much about what Google makes (or promises but doesn't make) outside of a search engine.


MarwyntheMasterful t1_iyiuql5 wrote

I’d say Google Glass and Google Stadia are their 2 most well known failures. Or two of the more recent anyway.

But they made the failure that was Google Video, and then just bought YouTube because it was clearly superior to them.

They’ve tried to create a couple of social media sites, with little success.

Nexus Q never actually went to market.

Knol was an attempt to replace Wikipedia.

I think Google Fiber is still going but I feel like they underdelivered. More area should be covered by now. Some of that could be competition and legal battles, not on Google.

Mostly poorly executed, over-priced, or just generally unwanted ideas.

And as far as Elon delivered, you can add Star-Link and the flamethrowers.

I’d never even heard of Tesla phone, but after looking it up, I don’t think that will ever get widely adopted and is mostly a waste of time compared to EVs, internet, neural implants, and Mars.


Pastakingfifth t1_iyt0kf4 wrote

How is your futurology tech company coming along? I'd say he's doing better than most.


Frangiblepani t1_iyub709 wrote

It took 2 days, and only one weird nerd leapt to his defence. Musk must be really losing his mojo.