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HighpriestIalu t1_iyle7gs wrote

After seeing what these companies do with Insulin, it's not a stretch to see why people might feel this way. People regularly die in the US because they can't afford it. Pharma companies couldn't give a shit.


DoraTehExploder t1_iylexqu wrote

Oh but I thought this expert knew all about the abuses of the pharmaceutical industry, surely they know about the withholding of life saving medications instead of going on as if it's some kind of hypothetical and not something that actively happens on regular basis...


TheChance t1_iymw1sg wrote

That’s correct, and it’s a societal-level horror show. /u/DoraTehExploder believes the opposite: that big pharma is withholding medicine until you sign over your soul.

I can’t even figure out their logic. Obviously selling somebody a product over and over is more profitable if they carry the same markup than selling a limited number of something…

…so the obvious thing to do is to let our customers die, whereupon they’ll never be able to buy anything again.

What a maroon.


DoraTehExploder t1_iynsz9g wrote

You could use some practice with reading comprehension and logical extrapolation. Not once did I ever imply or suggest that the most profitable option was to let the customer die. I suggested that they (being the pharmaceutical industry) could abuse the inelastic demand for a life sustaining medication in order to lock their "customers" (who have the sum total of two choices: A. do whatever is necessary to continue receiving doses of medication or B. die.) into an abusive relationship (read: hostage situation).