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tyrandan2 t1_j0xtnci wrote

Just dropping in to say The Expanse is an amazing series. I'd love to live on the belt.


RadicalBeam t1_j0ykx0l wrote

I feel like if reading The Expanse taught me anything it would be that I'd hate to live on The Belt. But then there aren't many good options left.


EyoDab t1_j0z4cj4 wrote

Meh, it looks like it really depends. We only really ever got to see the dark underbelly of the Belt


nunchyabeeswax t1_j145bxf wrote

The Expanse taught me that I'd hate to live anywhere in the Solar System, not unless I'm filthy rich like Jules-Pierre Mao.


I love the series, but let's be clear. Humanity is in a state of dystopia.