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Elmore420 t1_j1pcar1 wrote

Yes, your meat puppet won’t, but your quantum field is eternal unless Humanity goes extinct. We are far more than we understand because we believe that our mind exists solely in our Brain, and this is incorrect. Our brain is the interface between our Mind and our Meat Puppet. It serve as a multifunction organ, but first and foremost it serves as a biological fuel cell where sugar is oxidized into "Dark Energy" as cosmologists call it now, and "Animal Energy, similar to, but not quite, electricity" as Galvani called it back in 1860. It’s also what psychiatrists and brain researchers measure with EEGs and PET scans; as do other biological scientists measuring energy out put of all living organisms.

Humanity’s greatest problem is trying to hang on to the past. We are an evolutionary creature in a transitional state between Animal and Creator. 10,000 years after the Human Superego formed and Humanity gained independent thought and the ability to create whatever we want, we still choose to create war and slavery for fun and profit. 10,000 years ago the first modern humans woke up to their own thoughts, no longer directed by Nature. We were an embryonic Singularity unto ourselves, with an instruction coded into the Superego everyone recognizes, “Be kind and take care of each other.” The next moment we went psychopathic and started an economy based in war and slavery. We’re just mean an selfish, that’s all there is to it. Psychopathic narcissism is the birth defect the human superego developed with, that we don’t recognize as a problem. We want to remain animals where we can enjoy the feeling of power that comes with exploiting human suffering. We don’t want to have the responsibility of Creators to provide for the future, we want to be animals where we only need to exploit what nature has created.

Under your plan you can exist until 9 billion minds exist, then your quantum field will collapse as the Human Superego goes extinct as an evolutionary failure. You see, there is a reason on the Quantum Physics end of our existence that we are taught we’re all part of something greater than ourselves, and we must unite to succeed. It takes 3 billion minds to come into harmony with the Prime Singularity we are born from, so our Superego comes into resonance and reaches its amplified state. That’s when the Superego becomes a fully formed Juvenile Singularity. With this we gain Quantum Self Awareness and an understanding of our true capabilities.

By searching for ways to preserve the past and making it work for us, we are only assuring our extinction. Had we followed our instruction we would have evolved 7000 years ago, had religion or revolution and the advance of technology worked, we would have evolved by the 1950s had we been healthy. But we are not, we are addicted to to the self destructive pleasures that psychopathic narcissism brings. Now that Science has also failed to get us to look to a non self destructive future, it’s really doubtful we choose the Hydrogen Economy and let go of the past, but if you want to live forever, that’s what you have to do for yourself, accept that you must cooperate of your own Free Will. Otherwise we have about 20 years to Full Term and our final failure of Quantum Kindergarten, "Couldn’t play nice" our epitaph.