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JovianCharlie27 t1_j1moruo wrote

There are several different processes that do this. Combustion, electrolysis, many chemical interactions, or just plain heat.

Combustion releases energy and is used in internal combustion engines, and other chemically powered heat engines, such as boilers, steam powered generators (yes redundant.)

Electrolysis is used to break down chemical bonds and is often used to purify materials or separate elements. You could produce hydrogen and oxygen from water as an example.

Adding an acid or base will change many materials. You can "cook" proteins using acids such as lemon juice or vinegar.

Finally just heating something up will break many chemical bonds. Think cooking or as another extreme, purifying metals in a furnace.

All of this has been know for decades or centuries, and is common knowledge. I recommend a basic chemistry course for more in depth explanations and details.