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seehowshegoes t1_j2em1r7 wrote

Do we even know what addiction is yet? I think it is the ethical thing to do to treat it as a disease rather than blaming individuals for "making the wrong choices" while watching them die on the streets.


Padhome t1_j2eo8y5 wrote

Some addicts are addicted to money, and create the circumstances for those other addicts to suffer.

It's just that they're too powerful to treat, regardless of the fact that the damage they cause is magnitudes worse.


Spideybeebe t1_j2epmxw wrote

A heavy physiological factor in addiction is the release of dopamine or serotonin. In many cases, getting on meds that stabilize that can help.


cruss0129 t1_j2erjqv wrote

Addiction is the recurrence of behavior due to a “sublimation” (in Freudian terms) of a survival activity or instinct in a way that has no benefit (or even causes detriment) to the person that is addicted.

It has 3 main components: habituation, access, and compliance

Habituation is essentially the formation of the neural pathway that the addiction forms - usually linked to a pleasure mechanism like the dopamine or cannabinoid receptors, as well as memories and “muscle memory” behaviors.

Access is just that - a person with unlimited resources is going to be at much higher risk of addiction than someone who has few (regardless of cultural conceptions of addiction)

Compliance is the unwillingness to change - the rationalization of the behavior to make it seem “ok”


raindownthunda t1_j2et730 wrote

Addiction is the inability to stop doing things that cause harm to you or others despite wanting to stop.
