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throwawayacc201711 t1_j1mhdpj wrote

Regardless of that, there are quite generous subsidies going on from the federal government (when I did solar it was 30%) and then my state gave me another 5k.

My system is a 6.9kW system and this covers 100% of my electric usage. My out of pocket cost was about 12-15k, 65% was subsidized (that makes my totally system cost roughly 20-23k).

Each year of solar saves me about 2k a year. So my break even is between 6-7 years.

If you’re young and plan on living in your house for the long haul, it makes absolutely no sense to not get solar. Living in a state that actually gives a fuck about climate change helps since they typically have subsidies.

The other part not being mentioned is that the panels are getting more efficient so that you don’t need as many panels