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levijohnson1 OP t1_iz101lp wrote

With the release of ChatGTP, OpenAI's latest feat, the world is waking up to new possibilities in AI. Its impact it will transformative. Let's buckle up folks. Disruption is coming.
ChatGPT is a recently released large language model (LLM) trained by OpenAI and that's capable of generating human-like conversation.
It can solve IQ tests, build apps from scratch in Python, solve homework assignments, or create poems. Everyone can use it today.
Stability AI, the start-up behind the popular Stable Diffusion image-generating algorithm, recently raised $101m, Jasper.AI, a company that uses AI to generate written content, raised $125m. The buzz is spreading like wildfire.
I think that we're witnessing several technologies advancing exponentially all at once:
– AI
– AR (Apple will present its big bang AR experience powered by AI & Apple Silicon soon)
– Decentralized computing (Web3)
In the next five years, progress in AI will be fast and exponential. The computational power of neural networks is doubling every 5.7 months. The tools that everyone is playing around with today will become 10x-100x more powerful.Intelligent machines will be capable enough to do most of the work we do today.
Let's buckle up folks. Disruption is coming. πŸš€


ttystikk t1_iz122xf wrote

This sounds like a recipe for a dystopian nightmare. To be clear, I don't think it will be the AI's fault but rather the uses unscrupulous and frankly criminal people will put it to.

The conversation needs to be had about how to limit the influence of AI gone bad and how to protect ourselves from other people's worst impulses magnified by such technology.

Yes I'm an idealist. I believe in the power of AI. But as a student of the human condition, I have real concerns.


Wellpow t1_iz2dpzu wrote

Yeah AI can be used for pretty nefarious purposes. Before openAI patched it, after a little tweaking, chatGPT was answering how to make molotov cocktails and how to hack Fb accounts and how Hitler was a good guy.

But I think it will be hard to limit the technology, because many ai models are already open source


ttystikk t1_iz2kgon wrote

>But I think it will be hard to limit the technology, because many ai models are already open source

This is what scares me. I understand that almost all technologies carry risks and those risks must be managed for the tech to be a net benefit for society.

I'm not saying that it can't happen for AI but I AM saying that we lack the ability to effectively manage the risks of AI today. That means the bad actors have a big head start and that's the part that concerns me.


[deleted] t1_iz15eg4 wrote



ttystikk t1_iz1e6rr wrote

These are exactly the kind of jobs those very groups will be tasking advanced AI with.


[deleted] t1_iz1bcjh wrote

Are we fast approaching the singularity? Personally, I’m looking forward β€” albeit a little apprehensively β€” to the day when man and AI merge. I don’t inherently fear this technology. I do fear, though, how it will be abused and weaponized. But perhaps a greater threat to mankind are the lies and misinformation that currently control our thinking. That’s far more dangerous than so-called AI machines controlling everything.


symonym7 t1_iz1b05i wrote

…I think I need to reread Diamond Age, cuz we about there.


FuturologyBot t1_iz13ghb wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/levijohnson1:

With the release of ChatGTP, OpenAI's latest feat, the world is waking up to new possibilities in AI. Its impact it will transformative. Let's buckle up folks. Disruption is coming.
ChatGPT is a recently released large language model (LLM) trained by OpenAI and that's capable of generating human-like conversation.
It can solve IQ tests, build apps from scratch in Python, solve homework assignments, or create poems. Everyone can use it today.
Stability AI, the start-up behind the popular Stable Diffusion image-generating algorithm, recently raised $101m, Jasper.AI, a company that uses AI to generate written content, raised $125m. The buzz is spreading like wildfire.
I think that we're witnessing several technologies advancing exponentially all at once:
– AI
– AR (Apple will present its big bang AR experience powered by AI & Apple Silicon soon)
– Decentralized computing (Web3)
In the next five years, progress in AI will be fast and exponential. The computational power of neural networks is doubling every 5.7 months. The tools that everyone is playing around with today will become 10x-100x more powerful.Intelligent machines will be capable enough to do most of the work we do today.
Let's buckle up folks. Disruption is coming. πŸš€

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