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RangeWilson t1_j0u19h7 wrote

1.) Take out 90% of the words.

2.) Then take out another 50%.

Hope this helps.


hypatiatextprotocol t1_j0tmxu3 wrote

>People get fat for two reasons. First is that people don't pay attention and gain weight by eating too much. This largely happens unconsciously, and with the food out there today, it can happen pretty easily. The second is that stress deprioritizes health. ... When people choose to lose weight and fail, it is always because of stress.

This premise is incorrect.

Medical conditions like Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic inflammation, sleep apnea, adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto's disease, low testosterone, poor gut health, Syndrome X, and insulin resistance, can cause weight gain or resistance to weight loss.

Essential medication like hormonal birth control, antidepressants, beta blockers, treatments for diabetes, antipsychotics, anti-epileptic medication, antihistamines, corticosteroids, and hormone replacement therapy, can cause weight gain or resistance to weight loss.

Difficulty in weight loss is not always because of stress, and weight gain isn't always because of "eating too much" or "stress."


Dear-Badger-9921 t1_j0ubs9z wrote

Yea this is just fatphobic. Not everyone is naturally thin. Sorry.


tnemmoc_on t1_j0upfjy wrote

The laws of thermodynamics apply to everybody. Yes some people need more or less food than others to stay the same weight. But everybody would starve to death if they didn't eat. And they wouldn't be fat then.


LupeDyCazari t1_j0v6qjv wrote

I am. And so are the women who are a part of my family. You'd be amazed at how physically attractive people can be and healthy, when they don't destroy their bodies with doritos, sugar, chocolate, cheesburgers tacobell, KFC, and any other ''food'' brand they came up with to steal money from poor people.


FacialTic t1_j0u4ltb wrote

I think your example of people eating unhealthy foods is pretty reductionist. There are a ton of other factors in play aside from "people are lazy and seek immediate gratification".

Off the top, I would say fast food is far more affordable than fresh fruit/vegetables and lean proteins in many countries, but especially in the US. In addition to affordability, I would say that most people living at or below the poverty line are work long hours/ multiple shitty minimum wage jobs, that don't offer health benefits packages or the freedom to do things like going to the gym on their lunch break.


LupeDyCazari t1_j0v71h0 wrote

People can make homemade soup that will last a long time, at home, and it's far more healthy than the garbage one can find in fast food joints.

Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables ain't as expensive as people make it out to be in the States, and are far cheaper in the long-term since having a healthy diet means you won't mess up your health and your wallet, trying to fix your ruined health, though?

Yeah, well, if people are so poor that they can't even afford buying 10 bananas a week, maybe don't have kids, and let the poverty cycle end with them, when their generation dies out of old age, eh?


FacialTic t1_j0wggjp wrote

The solution you are describing is called eugenics.

Pretty fucked up.


DrunkenOnzo t1_j0uotfw wrote

I would really recommend looking into some of the staples of ethics and philosophy. It seems like you've got a lot of ideas but might lack the greater context needed to engage with those ideas in the way it seems like you want to.

Obviously other options are available but PBS has crash course and they tend to be pretty solid for getting a very basic idea of some of the tools used to engage with these concepts.

EDIT: And as others have pointed out, a huge amount of your premises are factually incorrect, which causes the rest to fall down and be meaningless. 1 + 1 =5, so therefore, 1 must be greater than 2, as 2+2 only equals 4.


tnemmoc_on t1_j0up6s9 wrote

People eat a lot because they are fat. Being fat makes you hungry. It's analogous to a kid growing. They aren't growing because they eat a lot, they eat a lot because they are growing.

How did they get fat in the first place? By eating the wrong things. Processed food, sugar, etc.

You are much less likely to get fat eating whole unprocessed foods.


XT-421 t1_j0trc6t wrote

I disagree with the way you are presenting it, but let me take a different stab at re-summarizing your post:

Humanity's legacy will be measured as a group effort, rather than any individual input. At its root, this is because individuals will die and have relatively short lifespans compared to the collective human species.

I'd let the implications start rolling in from that point instead.


bajo2292 t1_j0ufpql wrote

I would like to add, that our collective morale is disproportionately distributed and those with much more money and power, be it political, social or some other to the point, where 1% can sway the 99%... and the end result of collective morale is ... ^(I'll let you, reader finish the sentence)

Other thing of note is prevailing socioeconomical system that has biggest share - capitalism. The constant race for profit and seemingly infinte rate of growth is killing planet and morale .... same could be said about communism though and it's impact ... no model is perfect, but wealth neeeds to be distributed more proportionately and we need much more social approach for those who are most vulnerable - lower income people, our planet, animals and the whole climate ... if there's no nature and most of animals are dead, than it says something about the age of anthropocene - age of men, we are at right now.

stay safe, love your neighbour, breathe the fresh air while you can, do the right thing always ...


Marvele10 t1_j0tuu12 wrote

>This introduces the dichotomy between isolation and cooperation. Morale is driven down when people see the world around them is failing them. This perception causes isolation. People become bitter, resentful, and individualistic.

Nailed it. It's what's happening to me right now, I used to be social and positive and now as I'm getting older and more independent but at the same time struggling more and becoming more aware of society, I have lost all interest in socializing because I genuinely don't trust most people now. Barely leave the house and when I do I feel like I'm among a horde of selfish zombies.

This post is too based as it looks at the biggest picture of all which most people have trouble getting, so don't be surprised if you get tons of nitpicking comments filled with fallacies and pedantism, getting lost in specifications while still failing to see the bigger picture.

We are living in the emotional dark ages, the world we've created out of greed does not do well to humans or Earth in the long run. Our very nature is being hacked for profit (social media being the great latest factor). People are still very much asleep and keep looking at the wrong root cause of things, putting simple band aids on things where surgery is needed.


bajo2292 t1_j0uguaj wrote

don't beat yourself too much, as we get older, our social interactions outside of work tend to dumpen, your friend circle tend to get smaller, it's normal ... If you cherish social interaction go out more, go to bar, speak with strangers... there's nothing better than to deep dive into each other psychés with a stranger ... especially for us, socially hungry ... take on a hobby - I suggest hours of classical dancing in pairs, it's better when you dont have a partner, you dance for a bit with lots of women and you tend to feel stuff without even talking, the connection is sometimes beautiful and spontaneous, othertimes a bit cringy but it's all part of the "Dance"


bajo2292 t1_j0uh494 wrote

>We are living in the emotional dark ages, the world we've created out of greed does not do well to humans or Earth in the long run. Our very nature is being hacked for profit (social media being the great latest factor). People are still very much asleep and keep looking at the wrong root cause of things, putting simple band aids on things where surgery is needed.

completely agree, find my other comment here ... it's up there ... + there's this alegory, we are playing with fire - creating atomic bombs, social media, AI - stuff we cant control and is too much for us, we did not grow enough to play with fire.


LupeDyCazari t1_j0v61gq wrote

...I'm pretty sure the reason why people are obese is because they want to be, though?

No one is putting a gun against their heads and forcing them to eat the trash they eat in enormous quantities.

I'm a middle-aged man in my thirties and I'm literally wearing the same jeans I bought at the age of 18 as a college freshman, and it still fits me perfectly.

I've never been to a gym before, I don't run or do any physical exercise other than walking, and here i am, still slim enough to star in a Japanese movie as the top-billed star.

So... people are fat because they choose to be so. It's not my problem, and I honestly don't care about the people who are destroying their own bodies because they are spoiled and selfish.

I do worry and feel bad about the people who are born with genetic defects and health issues. It ain't their fault they are the way they are.


hypatiatextprotocol t1_j0wqe09 wrote

  1. "I'm thin..."

  2. "... so people are fat because they choose to be."

Anecdotes do not equal data. Stories about you and your family are not enough to form an entire theory of weight management for a whole species. Many scientists have done actual research in this field so that you don't need to draw conclusions based on your personal experience.

Your body isn't the same as every body. There are genetic components to weight, as well as extensive medical and medication factors that either cause weight gain or make weight loss difficult. I've already listed twenty in this thread, information about which is available in a fast, easy Google search.

People don't understand weight because they choose not to.