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SvenDia t1_j22dtsk wrote

You don’t think that maybe there’s an oversupply of people with PhDs?

And while newspapers are dying, they have been replaced by other forms of media. What exists now is not classical newspaper or magazine-style journalism, but it does exist and I would argue that more people are employed making news, feature and opinion content that at any time ever. there’s less gate keeping and perhaps lower editorial standards, but it’s there in huge amounts. And I don’t mean vacuous, influencer-type stuff.

And even newspapers that still exist have become multimedia companies. Some of this includes video content that requires writers, cinematographers, editors/post production, graphic designers, sound people, etc.

I work in communications for a public agency. Most of my colleagues are former journalists. I was an editor for a news radio station. I used to write news releases, web content, etc. I got bored with that and now my job is purely visual communications (video, graphics, photography).

I am not in the least bit worried about AGI. They can’t even get spell check or video recommendations right. I get ads for things I just bought. On the other hand, I prefer scanning and bagging groceries myself, until the computer screws up and a person has to come over and fix it.