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ogbubbleberry t1_j1bhd7t wrote

Same, I noticed the trend a few days ago, and realized there are probably AI bots creating these posts. Annoying


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1bi3fq wrote

It's just odd that when I go to the sub I found a bunch of non-AI posts I found interesting right at the top. But my page seems to only show the AI stuff.


AoedeSong t1_j1btj2a wrote

…when I saw this post on my feed, there was another r/Futurology just two more posts down “Discussing the possibility of programmers being replaced by artificial intelligence in the future”


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1btwob wrote

I saw that one as well. My guess is almost everyone saw the same few posts. But not the other non AI ones.


AoedeSong t1_j1bubl5 wrote

Yeah I just went through and clicked on a few of the non AI posts, maybe that will help change my algorithm a little…


brank t1_j1bhna2 wrote

I’m noticing that too! I don’t even engage anyway, just click on random posts to read comments, so it’s not like I’m driving any particular engagement with AI posts


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1bhytv wrote

Same, I just scroll by anything AI related because honestly I don't care about the whole Art thing or w.e a lot of the posts are about.


DickieGreenleaf84 t1_j1bcnj9 wrote

What are you sorting by? There's definitely bots upvoting a bunch of AI stuff across reddit at the moment. I'm not sure who benefits by it, tbh.


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1bi86h wrote

It's my home page, when I'm on the sub I usually have it on Hot and I see non AI stuff. But my phone page seems to only show the AI stuff from the sub.


icedrift t1_j1bmot8 wrote

How do you know bots are upvoting AI stuff?


Georg_Simmel t1_j1booed wrote

Everyone thinks that everything that annoys them on the internet is "bots." Get downvoted? Bots. A post annoys you? Bots. Someone posted a political opinion you don't agree with? Bots.

AI is popular in the media right now and reddit "broke" the algorithm, so people are convinced this is some conspiracy to get us to accept AI.

I don't doubt that bots are used to manipulate content on reddit but if the low-effort crap that's showing up in my feed is their goal, it's not working out well.


icedrift t1_j1bphdl wrote

Pretty much where I stand on the matter. Like yeah, bots are everywhere and undeniably are used in an attempt to manipulate public opinion, but Occam's razor comes first. AI terms have been blowing up on google trends these past few months there's no big conspiracy to 1984 your opinion of AI lmao.


DickieGreenleaf84 t1_j1bnv6i wrote

I sit on "new" when I'm bored. If you see a post less than a minute old with over a dozen upvotes...its a bot.


TheKinginLemonyellow t1_j1blbvt wrote

I noticed it the other day too, when I looking in the sub to see if there was any non-AI related content. I was planning to unsub if there wasn't, but there were quite a few. I've just started blocking anyone who makes those stupid posts, it's really cleared a lot of the clutter.


Georg_Simmel t1_j1bn2tv wrote

There's something going on across reddit right now. I know a lot of people are claiming it's "bots" doing this but I don't think that's the case because this same thing is happening in lots of other subreddits (like r/movies and r/television). I think there was a change made to the algorithm that is boosting question/discussion posts (like this one!) so they show up in our feeds. I suspect that, in the case of this subreddit, the AI posts aren't actually any different than what typically get posted here *but* the algorithm is boosting them now.

There are probably more AI posts because that's a popular topic right now so more people are making their way here to talk about it. This sort of pattern is entirely normal and didn't used to get any attention. Now that reddit is shoving them into our feeds, they're getting a lot more (negative) attention instead of being ignored.

As another example, I've noticed in both r/movies and r/television that there has been a flood of low-effort discussion posts about older movies/shows (like, "What did you all think about season one of White Lotus?!?") popping up in my feed.


icedrift t1_j1bpwhr wrote

Funny you mention those 2 subs because I'm subbed to neither yet they've been frequently popping up in my feed. Hell one of the threads even got me to start watching "The Expanse" you might be onto something.


Georg_Simmel t1_j1by9xl wrote

Maybe it was you who mentioned it in your other post but I’m pretty sure it’s an “engagement” thing to get people involved in posts other than the popular ones.


icedrift t1_j1c0a5m wrote

Yeah that's my best guess. Perhaps reddit wants more interactivity and less upvote read a few a comments and move on type behavior.


TtK_Thanatos t1_j1c90ce wrote

Yeah something weird is going on, the past few days reddit has been showing me low quality posts from a few random subs that I usually don't go into very often. They'll be tons of posts shown with 0 up votes and some either really dumb question, or some super generic question that's been asked 400 million times and it'll only have like 2-5 comments and it's from 5 hours ago. Why TF should I care about these posts? I guess maybe now they're trying to get me to go into the subs themselves to see posts with thousands of upvotes instead of just scrolling thru my "home" feed to see all the good shit?


ModsAreBought t1_j1bciqp wrote

The only posts showing up are people constantly complaining about the posts that are showing up...


InitialCreature t1_j1bv4ep wrote

I swear ive seen this exact post and thread convos like 5 times this week. meta as fuck


FlatulentWallaby t1_j1bg5b0 wrote

Same. All I see are people complaining about AI posts and no actual AI posts.


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1bgf4f wrote

I'd say it's 3-1 for me. 3 AI posts per 1 complaint.


icedrift t1_j1bmdzb wrote

Congratulations! you've just discovered **Algorithmic Recommendation Systems**. Behind the scenes, Reddit and every other social media website takes note of the rate of engagement and recommends only the most likely posts to get you to interact. Considering this topic got you to make your first ever post to this sub, I'd consider those algorithms a success.


Georg_Simmel t1_j1bncw2 wrote

Exactly. The only reason I saw this post was because the algorithm boosted it. There was definitely a recent change to the algorithm though because my feed is crowded with low-effort discussion posts (and people complaining about them!).


Tamagotchi41 OP t1_j1bn2d8 wrote

A success in making me want to Unsub? I guess if that's how they measure success 😂

Edit: if it's pushing the most popular why am I not seeing the top posts when sorted by "Hot" on the sub itself?


icedrift t1_j1bop1b wrote

Well it did make you post. These systems aren't exactly looking ahead they just want the max amount of engagement at any given time.

As for that edit they don't push the most popular posts they push posts that have the highest change of retaining your attention. At many social media sites (maybe reddit but idk), those recommendations are unique to each user based on the absurd amount of data they collect. Only a few engineers at reddit would know for sure.


EatsRats t1_j1bvzhd wrote

Everything is a fad. Nobody will care in another two weeks.