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ChaseRahl t1_j0xti4u wrote

And do horses have new jobs now that they've all been replaced by machines?

New jobs will always pop up, but to think they will pop up at the same (incredible) rate that A.I. will take over old jobs is wishful thinking. We need to do something about dependence on jobs to live. Our technological advances can go a long way in ensuring needs are met for all, if we start having the right mindset and conversations NOW


smith2332 t1_j0xu6e0 wrote

Yeah people don’t understand that AI is always learning and adapting, it’s not static like a robot that simply does one thing all day long just better then a human.

Instead it will learn how to code and it do it better then your programmers, then do a better job of being the IT department and auto fix issues, then do a better job at being the accountant and replace and learn all that in like a year when tech gets good enough. It does not stop when it just learns one task, it will continue to consume all knowledge and jobs.