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Icee777 OP t1_izkzsv5 wrote


strvgglecity t1_izl1sic wrote

Wow whoever wrote that envisions a permanent settlement in 2032? Wonder what Ray Kurzweil has to say on the subject.

I'm not yet sure I understand the goal here. Mars is not a habitable planet and I would expect the resources expended to establish a settlement will be the largest project in human history, probably by an order of magnitude.

Leading futurists are talking about the singularity occurring in 2029 and being able to upload an entire human brain by the 2040s. The unpredictability of technological development and societal acceptance/adaptation means such a long timeline likely has a very high chance of error.

To be certain I'm only here for education and discussion.


Ulyks t1_izx6jrf wrote

Yeah singularity is one thing. Freeing up resources for the massive investments needed to terraform Mars is another.

I'm sure a superintelligent AI could come up with a detailed and feasible plan by 2040 to start terraforming Mars.

But it will probably involve everyone on earth paying 10% more taxes to fund the endeavor.

It's a no go until we solve many pressing problems on earth first.