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DevilDog82nd t1_j1fa6v6 wrote

Her childhood was stolen. She doesn't have answers. Just a media.


astrogeeknerd t1_j1fcgfl wrote

She NEVER claimed to have the answers. She said to follow the science. She didn't start this till she was like 16, so this was a very adult choice even though she probably didn't know it would lead to what it did. The media is what she uses to pass on her message, but I think she is less manipulated by it than most people.


Willitical_On_Utube OP t1_j1fl18q wrote

Absolutely, i remember hearing her say that. Her message isn't everyone needs to listen to me. It's, everyone needs to listen The scientists


reasonandmadness t1_j1fchnm wrote

>She doesn't have answers

So you think she's a puppet, completely incapable of free and independent thought? A young actor paid to deliver a oscar award winning performance?

I agree that parents tend to mold the minds of the younger generation, but isn't it possible that kids are also capable of forming their own opinions by 16?


Willitical_On_Utube OP t1_j1fdx7p wrote

Absolutely. In a video a made recently, i asked if people would have listened to a young Einstein but not her


Willitical_On_Utube OP t1_j1fbazk wrote

Im not soo sure about that. She sounds very intelligent to me. But i only recently started watching her videos, so a lot more research is needed.


liltime78 t1_j1fd4zr wrote

You can be sure that if you compliment her on the internet, someone will come along to bash her. Fox News vilified her, so they hate her now. Doesn’t matter what she does or says.


Willitical_On_Utube OP t1_j1fdron wrote

I agree 100 percent. But that's ok, im not interested in getting into squabbles over it. Im only looking to discover more facts about her.