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DragoonXNucleon t1_izso6af wrote

So building infrastructure which helps the grid during peak use times is bad then, eh?

Some people just gotta bitch about everything.


BaronVonLazercorn t1_izsv7hz wrote

Yeah, how dare I bitch about being without power for 6-8 hours a day, every day.

Some people just have to tell others to get over situations they have no clue about.


[deleted] t1_izsp2vo wrote

Well we’re suffering from outages RIGHT NOW.

7-12 months to build this station is laughable, whoever wrote that article doesn’t know South Africa. It’ll probably take 2 years, generate half the amount for electricity said to be generated, AND THEN baaam! Something goes wrong, then there’s a scandal


MilkshakeBoy78 t1_iztzftc wrote

> So building infrastructure which helps the grid during peak use times is bad then, eh?

yeah if you cant maintain your current infrastructure, dont build new ones.