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niceguybadboy t1_izw9ary wrote

Planet doesn't need saving.

The planet's ability to sustain current human lifestyles needs saving.

Planet will be fine without us. Probably better.


jetstobrazil t1_izybzop wrote

Must this really be repeated every single time an article mentions trying to solve human destruction?

Yes, we know the rock floating in space will be fine. We are referring to preserving, halting the further meaningless destruction caused by humans, and kickstarting repairs of current ecosystems, not actually literally saving the rock floating in space. Nobody is referring to this when they say save the planet.


niceguybadboy t1_izynw3s wrote

>Must this really be repeated every single time an article mentions trying to solve human destruction?



herlostsouls t1_j0188y8 wrote

i have always thought about self sufficiency of housing. i have alwayshoped to see housing which not only was from the natural surroundings, but also gave the owner the means to be self sufficient: garden plot; water extractor; renewable energy power--- and the house itself: i like the idea of hobbit style houses made from local surrounding materials: mud daub walls/roof, maybe a treehouse from wood? But i would be worried about how long the wood would last.