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cafffaro t1_j0zex9g wrote

Ok, so why haven’t we found evidence for it?


W_AS-SA_W t1_j0zfq1n wrote

They have found some interesting stuff really deep underground. But most of it is probably underwater now. The surface of the planet is constantly changing. And there is a vast area under the oceans that no one has ever explored. I think we just haven’t looked in the right places yet.


cafffaro t1_j0zgh7u wrote

It’s hard to evaluate your claim when you don’t provide any specific information.


DecentChanceOfLousy t1_j10guid wrote

The surface of the planet hasn't changed that drastically in 140000 years. Sea levels varied, but the oceans and continents have been in almost exactly the same places.

There are no secret hidden cities at the bottom of the ocean that were above water 140000 years ago. Small settlements just offshore, yes. But in open ocean, no.


W_AS-SA_W t1_j1m4yle wrote

Over 80% of the ocean floor has never been explored by man.