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PitifulNose t1_j02lrcr wrote

First and foremost, so called AI at this stage is really just computer programs with very specific and limited scope. White collar crime fraud detection uses so called AI but it’s just an algorithm that can detect outlier patterns like Benfords law.

Just about every so called AI or even specific computer programs are foiled easily and completely by pictures of railroads or a bunch of random words that look like a death metal band logo (captcha or whatever…)

People write software programs to make decisions and aid with analysis, but the programming is so insanely specific at this early infancy, that you would never run a random forest simulation to do quantitative trading optimization and then get back the answer: “Go forth with xyz evil fascist plan, etc.”

This is just the stuff of science fiction honestly. As someone that programs this stuff, I really wish people would stop calling it AI because then it gets lumped in with sci-fi AI.


KahlessAndMolor t1_j04gs9b wrote

I also work with machine learning and AI a lot. I second this so freakin' hard. It is a huge triumph that things like Google Document AI and Textract can look at an invoice and figure out that the line item text is associated with the amount invoiced. ChatGPT might appear it is 'smart' but it is literally just a statistical model predicting what the next word would be, given the previous words in the sentence. It doesn't actually have creativity or ambition.


Hangry_Squirrel t1_j063512 wrote

ChatGPT seems to be a decent search engine. Other than that, I imagine people see its outputs as "smart" because they're on topic, but they're nothing more than stringed together banalities.


ArcaneOverride t1_j069kt5 wrote

By having it tell a story then prompting it with weird setups to scenes to write next, I got it to write a very soap opera like story.

It was about two lesbians who fall in love, move in together, and accidentally get each other pregnant. Then a woman who one of them had a one night stand with before they got together showed up and she was also pregnant with her child and she had lost her job and was now living out of her car. I was going to tell it to have them argue about giving her a place to stay but then the tab stopped responding.

It was pretty funny since I mostly just told it the setup for each scene and it wrote the scene and chose it's outcome. The story went ways I didn't expect.

Also I got weirdly invested in their relationship even though the writing wasn't great.

When I told it that they were in their OBGYN's office to tell the doctor about their pregnancies the conversation showed it recognized that there was something not quite right about two people being able to impregnate each other. It described the doctor as surprised, ask them if they were sure, and had him say it was a very unique situation. Then he just took them at their word that that's how they both got pregnant and started prescribing prenatal vitamins and stuff without any follow up questions. I was kind of sad that it didn't understand why that is "a very unique situation" well enough to have the doctor really question it.


Hangry_Squirrel t1_j0865qr wrote

Turns out they were both snails!

However, it's probably safe to assume that it's not going to be the next Beckett :p


ArcaneOverride t1_j08r77b wrote

Lol snails! That reminds me of that description of the plot of Finding Nemo (or was it Finding Dory) that neglects to mention that they are all fish.

I had to look up Beckett, and, after Googling, I assume you were referring to Samuel Beckett. I've never heard of him before.

The only Beckett I could think of was the fictional vampire historian vampire (he's a vampire who studies the history of vampires) from Vampire the Masquerade.


silveroranges t1_j068io7 wrote

Hey! I have a question you might be able to answer. I have been using ChatGPT, and it is honestly the first 'AI' that I have been blown away by.

I am not a programmer; I can program python and a little bit of C++ but it's mainly for microcontrollers like arduino/pico. I know the basics though. ChatGPT has blown me away because now instead of spending hours programming something relatively simple, I can just tell it hey, I have this hardware connected on these pins, make it do this. And it will do it.

Is somebody working on a version of ChatGPT that is more orientated for programming? That is the only thing I have used it for recently.

It is insane I can tell it to 'build me a python program using tkinter that has 5 buttons, each button does x' and have it spit out a working program. Then be able to go back and be like ok, change the background to x, make the buttons aligned vertically, make it full screen, make it touch friendly, etc etc.

It would be such a productivity booster if I had a version that I could download on my computer, and would simultaneously run/compile(in the case of C/C++) a program so that I didn't have to copy and paste code.

If somebody isn't working on this yet, that would be a billion dollar idea because I would 100% pay a few hundred dollars a month for access to something like that, because of the amount of time it would save me.


strvgglecity t1_j06hqql wrote

I think you're describing how AI Will take over human jobs for the benefit of billionaires.


silveroranges t1_j06ixyx wrote

OH yeah, I can see the writing on the wall for programmers. I liken it to how automation killed factory jobs. There are still factory jobs, but not as many, and their jobs are relegated to either tending machines (machine operators) or doing things that a machine can't do as easily.


strvgglecity t1_j06juek wrote

I'm a writer. AI has already started to take over journalism. I think giving AI knowledge tasks is terrifying. We will lose control.


silveroranges t1_j06l4kt wrote

I 100% agree, it is terrifying. What I am afraid of is having an 'anti-terrorist AI' or the like, which can spy on who it wants when it wants but is justified by the reasoning that it is a computer program. I can see the argument being made that since it isn't a person, your privacy isn't actually being invaded, it would be the same as say a program that checks your security camera for motion.

Something like that could easily be turned malicious, depending on how the people in charge of it define 'terrorism'. Environmental protesters? Well, it is negatively affecting business and therefore the economy and country, so it's terrorism.

One thing I did notice on ChatGPT when it generated long text responses is that it seemed to have a lot of filler sentences. It felt like one of those websites you visit when you are trying to find an answer to something, then it has ads every paragraph and each paragraph says the same thing but not really, and it's all just meant to keep you scrolling past ads looking for your answer.


ory_hara t1_j06rpl3 wrote

I didn't read the whole thing, I just skimmed for keywords. But I'm pretty sure you are thinking of GitHub Co-pilot.


Ninja edit: Also, this is probably an ad.


CheezusRiced06 t1_j069b8b wrote

You ever heard of roko's basilisk?


Now you have.

I'm sorry.

ChatGPT is only the beginning.

Roko, please, I labor only for you. Witness me, witness this comment - it exists only for the basilisk.


kingcocomango t1_j05rkdk wrote

`it is literally just a statistical model predicting what the next word would be, given the previous words in the sentence`

The average person that pretends to be an expert in the field on reddit.


[deleted] t1_j04gtxb wrote

I wish people called it machine learning because that's what it is. We are literally teaching these machines and some day not too far off (2028, Kurzweil) machines will have human level intelligence then exponentially increase from there.


TheSimulacra t1_j05qlwj wrote

They do call it machine learning, it's an entire field of computer science. But not all artificial intelligence is machine learning.


[deleted] t1_j0710uu wrote

What is AI currently then or is it more theoretical? ChatGPT and image generators like Mid Journey are just ML imo


fwubglubbel t1_j05zkoc wrote

>machines will have human level intelligence then exponentially increase from there.

There is absolutely NO evidence for this. Intelligence is not a continuum like the speed of a car.


ArcaneOverride t1_j06cpud wrote

No it's more like a wide multiaxis field. There are many kinds of intelligence and aspects of those kinds. So many that we might never classify them all.

When we create a mind that is as intelligent as us in the ways that matter for inventing and improving technology, it probably won't be anything like us.

But the mere fact that humans have the levels of intelligence we have proves that those levels of intelligence are possible. We are proof that it is possible for "human level" intelligences to exist.

Now you might postulate that we are the pinnacle and that further gain in intelligence isn't possible, but some people are better at inventing and improving technology (the relevant kind(s) of intelligence) than others. It is at least possible for a machine intelligence to match the greatest human inventors and scientists of all time. But then it could also think faster and with perfect memory and with as many copies of itself collaborating as its hardware can support.

A million Turings, Lovelaces, Einsteins, Newtons, Curies, Da Vincis, Babbages, etc all collaborating, with perfect memories and knowledge of each other's thoughts, operating at 1000 times the speed of human minds. All acting as one.

Is that not a mind more intelligent than any single human mind?

Would that not mean that the previous postulate is incorrect? That we are not the pinnacle?

Now consider that they need only to make one small improvement to themselves and then they are very slightly better at improving themselves.

Could enough small incremental improvements not eventually render them smart enough to start making larger improvements?


[deleted] t1_j070jbw wrote

We are definitely not the pinnacle even looking at machine learning now its clear to see that it is better at certain tasks then any individual human could ever be in much less time from input to output.

The interesting thing comes when those narrow ML tasks all become packaged into one mechanical "being" that is smarter then the entire human species...

Scary to think about (as in unknown not monster movie scary) but its coming, we should be there in less then a decade.


ArcaneOverride t1_j08sbkt wrote

Yeah, I was using that premise to attempt to disprove it by contradiction. I know some people believe that minds, significantly smarter than us, aren't possible, so I wanted to address that belief before someone replied claiming it.


Shelfrock77 t1_j061kee wrote

“By 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy in full dive virtual reality.”

The rapture is here to merge us with AI !


ridgecoyote t1_j0684vb wrote

I tell people when they say AI, they really mean IA. We can’t make artificial intelligence (the term is basically silly) but we can make some pretty Intelligent Artifice