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kenkc t1_j02w9ee wrote

After enough time and progress have elapsed, in the age of abundance, the incentive to be malevolent should die away.


CooCooClocksClan t1_j03dp6j wrote

If find your view of an “age of abundance”interesting but wouldn’t the only abundance be information. Everything material remains finite and scarcity still relevant?

What is an “age of abundance” in the context of human population and resources?


MarcusOrlyius t1_j03ql4v wrote

Finite doesn't mean scarce. Scarce means lack of supply relative to demand. Furthermore information requires matter to be stored, processed, and transmitted.


kenkc t1_j03sy78 wrote

I don't mean an abundance of information. But of food, housing and transportation. It has certainly been true that information is reaching the abundance point sooner than material. But abundance in all things will be achieved at some time in the future. Energy looks to be the first, with renewables becoming cheaper and more powerful at a very strong pace. And fusion does seem to be clearing it's last hurdles. And if you have an abundance of energy, how far behind can an abundance of food shelter and transportation be?


CooCooClocksClan t1_j03vaqc wrote

Well… it’s a happy thought. I guess I’m more cynical in relation to resources and what the future holds.