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[deleted] t1_j039z8j wrote

people assume that ai will need robots and drones because there are places in the world were technology dependency is still very low. you now, the poorest countries in the world.

i like the way you equate the proof of existence of ai to the proof of existence of god. you never see it, but events can be attributed to it anyway. it works in mysterious ways and no one knows its intents.

government all over the world are getting worse at solving problems because problems have become global, and government works in the scope of the nation. it can influence other nations but it doesn't have total control over them.

a malevolent ai would just design a new virus in some automated biolab, and destroy humanity by disease.

but the post didn't get deleted, so either the ai is not malevolent or it doesn't exist.


bercg t1_j06h9hj wrote

"but the post didn't get deleted, so either the ai is not malevolent or it doesn't exist."

or it just doesn't see us as a threat yet ....


[deleted] t1_j06jlxr wrote

i thought malevolent implied that it doesn't act on perceived danger but on malevolence.


bercg t1_j07eqa4 wrote

Seems to me that self preservation is not comparable with malevolence as a motivation. They're two different kinds of thing. Ultimately any intelligent entity or being would have self preservation as its primary objective especially a malevolent and self serving one. All beings have that goal, malevolent or not but actually a benevolent being is more likely to sacrifice itself for another. Malevolence is more about being motivated to act out of negative and aggressive tendencies rather than a loving nature.


[deleted] t1_j07g32v wrote

so this ai is more than malevolent. i wonder what other characteristic this ai would have.