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Scheme-Brilliant t1_j050f3u wrote

We do share the world with another human created malevolent intelligence, it's money.

Once it was given the power of unlimited, unchecked reproduction through interest on capital it became alive.

Once something has the power of reproduction it has interests and ends it will pursue to further its reproduction.

Every religion has some proven against interest and a way to kill money, like a jubilee. Theres no philosophy, prior to the modern era that allowed interest on loans. It animates a dead thing, banking is necromancy.

Once the philosophy of modern money and interest infected the states around the world it bent everything to its will.

Now with algorymic trading we have given it power over its own creation.

Money's power now so outstrips own own that we stand on the precipice of our own destruction, but it's reproduction, fed by billions of kilowatts of world ending electricity, demands we cut down more forset, make more waste, empty open pit mines into fresh water and farm land, power more chips for more servers to make machines that can think.

To predict markets, to cycle more cash, build more server farms, expanding ever more to...


Money is the most dangerous AI, it is killing us and we don't even notice its there.