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silveroranges t1_j06ixyx wrote

OH yeah, I can see the writing on the wall for programmers. I liken it to how automation killed factory jobs. There are still factory jobs, but not as many, and their jobs are relegated to either tending machines (machine operators) or doing things that a machine can't do as easily.


strvgglecity t1_j06juek wrote

I'm a writer. AI has already started to take over journalism. I think giving AI knowledge tasks is terrifying. We will lose control.


silveroranges t1_j06l4kt wrote

I 100% agree, it is terrifying. What I am afraid of is having an 'anti-terrorist AI' or the like, which can spy on who it wants when it wants but is justified by the reasoning that it is a computer program. I can see the argument being made that since it isn't a person, your privacy isn't actually being invaded, it would be the same as say a program that checks your security camera for motion.

Something like that could easily be turned malicious, depending on how the people in charge of it define 'terrorism'. Environmental protesters? Well, it is negatively affecting business and therefore the economy and country, so it's terrorism.

One thing I did notice on ChatGPT when it generated long text responses is that it seemed to have a lot of filler sentences. It felt like one of those websites you visit when you are trying to find an answer to something, then it has ads every paragraph and each paragraph says the same thing but not really, and it's all just meant to keep you scrolling past ads looking for your answer.