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SciurusAtreus OP t1_j2cm9xn wrote

To me, this seems like a game changer. The multitude of applications for this type of technology and the impact it will have on our daily lives will be interesting to see as the research continues. I think the application of this to robots will be inevitable and unlock even more advanced & precise abilities and skills.

I wonder if it it’s even possible for our skin to be replaced by something like this in the future?


Foxsayy t1_j2ddvt6 wrote

>I wonder if it it’s even possible for our skin to be replaced by something like this in the future?

I don't even want skin anymore. Make me full chrome, choomba.


pichael288 t1_j2dpuos wrote

Ehh I like my skin. It's one of the few things I want to keep when I go full cyborg. Fuck my legs, useless shits always hurting. Let me get some thunder stompers that I can set to autopilot and take a nap while my ass walks itself to the store.


JayEOh0788 t1_j2cot34 wrote

I wonder if this could potentially be able to drastically enable or at least improve upon joint and muscle related inflictions like arthritis or weaking grip strength and things of the like..