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sohaibshaheen t1_j0fwvpp wrote

As far as I know, determinism is a philosophical idea not an established fact and theory is what it is, just a theory. Just because it isn’t possible to prove it doesnt mean that we will blindly trust it. Theories exist on both side of arguments, even free will to some extent negates the idea of determinism completely.


CubeFlipper t1_j0gwhvm wrote

>even free will to some extent negates the idea of determinism completely.

This is a conclusion drawn backwards, I think. If determinism is the evidence we have, then it is determinism that negates the idea of free will. Free will is an illusion.


sohaibshaheen t1_j0h16dg wrote

Like i said its a philosophical debate not an absolute one. Idea of free will has not been rejected and wont ever be in my opinion. You could be right or you could be wrong, we will never know as long as people on both sides of the argument live :)


sohaibshaheen t1_j0fwxvm wrote

I have learnt a-lot from this debate though so thanks a-lot for your time and valuable feedback.


__ingeniare__ t1_j0g3rav wrote

Determinism can be deduced from the laws of physics - if the laws are deterministic, then the universe is, by necessity, also deterministic. But there are many strange things we don't yet know about, such as consciousness and free will. So, no one really knows. Good talk!