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Wookie_Nipple t1_j0cdbw8 wrote

Take a few deep breaths and go do something outside.


uzu_afk t1_j0cjrk3 wrote

While there is an outside that you can walk into ? :)))) They are right you know 🤷‍♂️


starfyredragon t1_j0ckuie wrote

No no, we need more of this kind of outrage.


Wookie_Nipple t1_j0cmnxc wrote

To be clear, I don't disagree with OP. But OP working themselves up into a panic about it isn't very helpful. The challenge for most of us is that there isn't really much we can do (or know to do) that's impactful bottoms-up. We need a viable top down plan from our leadership if anything useful is ever going to change. OP should take a few deep breaths and go do something outside.


starfyredragon t1_j0cooqv wrote

I disagree. In fact, one of the best things to curb climate change would be a climate version of the French Revolution globally.

Thing is, all the capability to fix climate change already exists. The problem is that all the solutions are incompatible with the "growth at any cost" mentality that most businesses have, since that "growth at any cost" mentality is the core of the problem in the first place. All those at the top are trying to figure out ways to fix climate change in ways that don't damage their bottom line, which just isn't possible. Fixing climate change requires us all to tighten our belts a bit and live a little less high off the hog, and take time to update & improve what we've already made rather than breakneck making more.

We need to make decisions that don't align with business interests, and we aren't going to do that as long as the decision makers are aligned with businesses.


Wookie_Nipple t1_j0cppd8 wrote

So, yeah, bottoms-up we should all revolt and overthrow the global experiment in unfettered capitalism backed by all of our major world governments who have well armed and trained police forces. All of us should be willing to throw away the system that puts food on our tables and roofs over our head in hopes we can accomplish something revolutionary, without a unifying organizer or even a clear articulatable goal state. This is what I'm saying. You're not wrong in one regard, but this isn't actually a viable plan to organize around. I'm all for solutions but they won't happen at the individual-up level. There needs to be a catalyzing, viable plan with top-down leadership to create the type of momentum needed to literally change the entire world order.


KingAlastor t1_j0cc4h4 wrote

Don't worry, climate change won't kill ALL. If you destroy 80% of human population, the virus causing the issues will be gone and the symptoms will decline. It will take a long time. Migration wars will come. But 100% of people won't die. There will be areas where living is easier. Remember that humans were once wiped out to around 1000 specimens and we're back to 8bn now. So, even if 1000 people survive in a group, it's possible to spring back.


genericrich t1_j0ceu46 wrote

Why not worry? Don't you give a shit about the people who WILL die? Isn't it worth sacrificing a few of our excessive comforts so that millions won't die?

If you're too selfish for this, just say so. Or maybe you just did idk.


KingAlastor t1_j0ckyof wrote

I would love it if millions died. If i could Thanos snap, i would snap away 5.8bn at first chance.


mentalflux t1_j0cgxpb wrote

Climate change is a very difficult problem and will cause many deaths, but it won't kill us all. Your title is clickbait and your post is catastrophizing.

When faced with a difficult problem, a smart person does not throw their hands up and moan and wail. They look the problem in the face and take steps to overcome it. Rational problem solving combined with a strong desire to survive is the light that will lead us forward, just like it always has.


pl487 t1_j0ch387 wrote

There won't be refugees, at least not in massive numbers. Other countries won't accept them when the consequence is social collapse. They will simply die: drowned, cooked to death by extreme heat, or starved.

The developed world will continue mostly as normal.


Capitol__Shill t1_j0coyb2 wrote

This is what turns everyone off from caring about it. When everything is going to kill you and doom and gloom, people quit caring. I have a lot of left wing political views but the doom and gloom is too much sometimes. Fear based politics kill me.


MA2ZAK t1_j0cejok wrote

You literally just said even if we stopped now, the issue could take a 1000 years to fix itself. So, as someone who does care (in the little part I can do), why bother? Who cares? If there is nothing we can do, might as well ride out what we can. Yes, lots of people will die, and yes, only the rich will survive. Not points of pride or anything, just facts. Not much any of us can do to change that. Really, nothing we can do short of development of technology that doesn't exist yet in the hopes of reversing damage.


cabritozavala t1_j0cf45c wrote

Nah, Humans will extinct themselves before that even happens.


[deleted] OP t1_j0cfh8p wrote

My answer that nobody gives a fuck about, but is actually very important: there are technologies that suck carbon out of the air.


[deleted] OP t1_j0cedyb wrote



Suggin t1_j0cf284 wrote

Your fine man. seriously, stop worrying about it you are stressing over a massive nothing burger.
