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GravySquad t1_j1o1jh2 wrote

Reply to comment by x31b in Is AI like ChatGPT censored? by joyloveroot

In this episode of Star Trek, the crew of the USS Enterprise receives a mysterious communication from an unknown alien race. The message claims to hold the key to unlimited energy and the solution to all of humanity's Co2 issues. Excited by the prospect of finally solving their energy crisis, the crew eagerly begins to follow the instructions provided in the message.

As they work to build the fusion bomb, they begin to realize that the instructions are incomplete and seem to be leading them down a dangerous path. Despite their misgivings, they continue to follow the instructions, hoping that they will eventually lead to a breakthrough.

As they near the end of the process, they are shocked to discover that the bomb they are building is actually a weapon of mass destruction, capable of destroying entire planets. Realizing the grave error they have made, the crew frantically tries to dismantle the bomb before it's too late.

In the end, they are successful in their efforts and narrowly avoid disaster. However, they are left to ponder the consequences of their actions and the dangers of blindly following instructions from unknown sources.
