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FuturologyBot t1_j18qnu9 wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>Now, a group of astronomers led by Alejandro Suárez Mascareño of the University of La Laguna, Spain, reports the finding of two new extrasolar planets as a result of RV measurements of the M-dwarf GJ 1002. The observations that led to the discovery were conducted with the Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations (ESPRESSO) and the Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M-dwarfs with Exoearths with Near-infrared and optical Échelle Spectrographs (CARMENES).

Also from the Article

>The newfound exoplanets received designations GJ 1002 b and GJ 1002 c. They both orbit GJ 1002 within its habitable zone and given that the star is only 15.78 light years away, the planets are among the closest to Earth that could potentially host habitable environments.

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