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bigbluemelons t1_j21zidx wrote

I cant even imagine tbh, i think everyone is thinking in terms of human achievement, but its honestly going to be AI achievement taking over and basically doing the heavy lifting of new technologies, medicine, and basically everything else. In my view its going to be a completely different world, humanity has never seen anything like this before


CollegeMiddle6841 t1_j2224a9 wrote

This person understands. I feel like people who say it wont change that much are either to young to have perspective o don't follow tech closely as I do. I have followed tech since I was a child in the 80s....its truly breathtaking to see what is happening now.


JournaIist t1_j22glda wrote

I know little about AI but even if we created AI that's only on par with humans on an intelligence level, I'm sure it'd blow us out of the water.

It wouldn't need 30+ years of development and education to be useful, just weeks or months before it's fully up to speed. Then, once it is up to speed, it can work 24/7, unlike humans, and can incorporate new information much faster than any human ever could and process things much faster.

Add in the things that computers are already far superior at, like data analysis, and I'm sure a human intelligence level ai could outperform a whole team of scientists.

I find it kind of terrifying, not because of the whole sentient ai kill all humans thing that usually comes up in science fiction but because I think it will be used for ill by some for sure, plus we might well be the equivalent of horses in the 20th century.