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send_nood_z t1_j1yfzh4 wrote

Fuck this comment section. Anything about India or any other third world country on reddit turns to how they are rapists, street shitter, creep, despicable, etc. I thought atleast some discussion will be about the technology here.


falsevacuumDK t1_j1yghxp wrote

Well on the bright side, finally we can see how full of hatred white westerns or westerners in general are towards Indians.

Cant stomach our progress.

But we will use their hate for us as our fuel for growth 📈


jthompson473 t1_j1zu4es wrote

Nah, not all of us, when this was posted yesterday I left 2 comments.

Good luck

Ad astra


[deleted] t1_j1yz3s1 wrote



Sunapr1 t1_j1z0o82 wrote

how indians are the most racist. do you have some source to back up


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z2f56 wrote

Caste system... just last month young Dalit child got beaten to death for the crime of trying to drink the same water as a Brahmin. Lots and lots of caste system shit on the same level as apartheid in south africa. And you have the hindu ultranationalist groups actively calling out for the total genocide of all muslims every week or so.


Sunapr1 t1_j1z3u4a wrote

I mean caste system is definately bad... And most of the liberals support the abolishing.. but the caste is the hindu problem there are so many others religions that thrive :)


Words_Are_Hrad t1_j1zfvuy wrote

80% is Hindu and the Hindu superiority movement in India is only gaining steam. People are worried that a Muslim and Sikh genocide is going to happen... Thriving might not be the best choice of words...


Sunapr1 t1_j1zmfiq wrote

What the fuck who are those people who are worried sick genocide might happen??? Plus in absolute no i do will say the other religion thrives... Hindu nationalism is definitely increasing though due to right wing government


mutherhrg t1_j20z6un wrote

Well when you got shit like this, one wonders why

Check out his entire twitter btw.


Sunapr1 t1_j22p0xe wrote

Well here is the thing the nut jobs are everywhere we can't do much about them. I see you have given the link of hindutva watch but that correlates Nothing. You can search for the twitter channel Right wing watch which is more US centric. There are nutjobs everywhere


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yx4y6 wrote

India is a human rights abuser to almost the same level as China and Russia. Your country is shit and will turn into a pariah once it gets strong enough.

Good luck trying to develop once India turns into a sorching desert due to global warming


TheMalteseSus t1_j20at62 wrote

Our progress? Now you can rape in space. Well done.


Words_Are_Hrad t1_j1zg1os wrote

I mean I'd rather you make progress stopping the growing Hindu superiority movement before replicating 60 year old technological achievements but sure you do you...


ai-dev t1_j1yi9gd wrote

Another lame space program is progress? India should focus on wasting and stunting among it's children. America and Europe have near 0% rates of wasting. Admit that this isn't about human progress, it's about Indian national pride. You want national pride? End wasting and waterborne illness.


namco8 t1_j1yooqu wrote

Ok and when Americans were busy in killing blacks in the 60's then moon mission went successfully. How's that for a change.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yxrxy wrote

And by the 80s, most of the racial tensions are gone. Meanwhile, just last month, a young Dalit child got beaten to death for the crime of trying to drink the same water as a Brahmin. This has been despite "efforts" to fix it for 8 decades now


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z6klq wrote

You're trying to compare this small scale isolated incidents to the country wide abuse of tens of millions of Dalits on a daily bias. And you have the hindu ultranationalist groups actively calling out for the total genocide of all muslims every week or so. Which results in massacres and killing of muslims and burning of mosques.


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zvg9w wrote

Bruh you think there's a daily basis dalit issue in India.. it's much like in India's rural and for that reason reservation still exist it's sad but yup things have changed a lot..

This is coming from a so called lower caste myself


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zvoao wrote

Killing of muslim and burning of mosque..oh yup it's allright when you see one side of the coin.. don't worry you are already blind to see the another side


UncutMeat90 t1_j216483 wrote

Dude you can't even send you kids to elementary school in America without knowing if they're going to be gunned down


Aero_doubt t1_j1ynjnc wrote

Compare the post on this sub, with the post on r/space, which has people who actually have knowledge of the subject matter. This post here is filled with ignorant comments.

India's progress, and it's success in applying those technologies in real world issues is obviously going to piss off these small and ignorant people.

I'm advising any Indian person reading this to not engage with this troll, and let them waste away their life trying to spread hatred on Reddit.

In basically every country, anyone from the field of aerospace engineering understands that India has basically set the standards for efficiency and the effective application of tech.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yxb52 wrote

>In basically every country, anyone from the field of aerospace engineering understands that India has basically set the standards for efficiency and the effective application of tech.

This is deusional. Even Brazil has a airline company. India has nothing, they're still buying jets from Europe and Russia. They can't make anything themsleves. They can't even copy shit like the chinese do.


Sunapr1 t1_j1z0amk wrote

Lol You have anything to back the claim.. India has nothing not any airline is one of the retarded comments i have seen all day. All you need to do is just copy


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z1vp8 wrote

Can India build any passenger jets? No? I thought so.

>All you need to do is just copy

Which is why India still mainly uses European and Russia jets... no domestic copy in sight...

Just like the chinks, all you do is copy, cannot innovate. But you can't even copy properly.


falsevacuumDK t1_j1yk82s wrote

Which country are you from ?


namco8 t1_j1yp7uz wrote

He's from a hypocrite country where third world are rubbish in his terms, and if they take the pride to upheaval themselves from issues then all the slums and weakness are shown to third world people. When these hypocrites invaded middle East and North Africa for oil then they gave debit ridden loans to these so called third world people to satisfy their own personal agenda. It's better to show these clowns 🐍 charmers and poorness which they really wanted to and continue with our hidden agendas.


ai-dev t1_j2093yx wrote

I want all people to succeed. Sending astronauts to space is old science. There's 0 science and 0 pride from this. You know what would be a more awesome invention than space travel? A new smartphone operating system, Android and IOS are lame. That accomplishment world be amazing.


copa8 t1_j1zv7ko wrote

Worse than anything about China? 🤔


send_nood_z t1_j200sdt wrote

Not comparing anything, also what you quoted is why I wrote other third world countries and others too.

Write something about Turkey Erdogan enters, post about something in Brazil then Bolsonaro and Favelas come, For China it becomes too racist to read, anything middle-east becomes about terrorists, etc. I don't know if my observation is biased but comments section is somewhat milder but still bad if post is about African countries.

I mean yeah we know our countries have problems, but people who post such rhetoric don't want to help or something but their attitude is of condescendence and smugness, not genuine concern about someone's sufferings or problems


woolcoat t1_j20398o wrote

yea, it's like if every piece of news coming out of the US has a comment section about BLM/racism, failing infrastructure, formula shortages/scandals, ballooning debt, Jan 6, insane CEO pay, ridiculous incarceration rate, treatment of immigrants at the border, child labor in Alabama, unaffordable housing, student debt, inflation, lack of affordable healthcare, millions affected by lead poisoning, Edward Snowden, Iraq war/Guantanamo, covid deaths, flint's water, the genocide of native Americans, colonization of Puerto Rico and Hawaii...

...did I get everything?


send_nood_z t1_j204lms wrote

You summed up every comment section I've seen. I used to think reddit was better than twitter but I see new lows everytime as you can see even in this comments section. I didn't mention anything about problems of other countries or said anything bad, yet people are blatantly violating Rule-1 of this sub

>Rule 1 - Respect
>Be respectful to others - this includes no hostility, racism, sexism, bigotry, etc.


tub939977 t1_j212hjj wrote

You should check out NASA’s comment section. It’s full of hate from the third world spammers. Apparently the moon landing was fake.


banuk_sickness_eater t1_j21fpdk wrote

I've literally never seen this anywhere on Reddit except in threads warning female travelers about going to places like India or Egypt alone


LandownAE t1_j2107i3 wrote

Why would it be about tech when most of their population is living in horrible conditions? Why spend this money on space flight when they can’t afford enough social programs to improve everyday life?


Angus_Ripper t1_j21hzdd wrote

Indians would literally go into outer space to avoid pooping in a bathroom


samz22 t1_j1zvlpn wrote

There was a video just this morning about a guy slapping a girl to sleep cause she rejected his marriage proposal. Before sending people to space, that shit needs to get fixed.


jmzlolo t1_j1zx3kf wrote

Such impeccable correlation.


samz22 t1_j201soi wrote

Just my thought, I mean there is a massive civil issue in India. That needs to be resolved before trying to fight other countries much-less go into space.


Sunapr1 t1_j22perq wrote

There are many issue in many countries. These things can improve in parallel. It makes no sense to shunt one part.. what you are telling is that like unless US solves it's gun problem everything else should be stopped


ZombieJesusSunday t1_j1xxg2a wrote

Satellites are important infrastructure & Scientific investment has previously lifted almost all tides.


ai-dev t1_j1yif7l wrote

This "science" is a old news, there's no "prize" for being fourth. Most countries that can afford their own manned space programs don't, instead they focus on robotic arms or other high tech sub systems. Makes more sense from a scientific/engineering standpoint.


1dabaholic t1_j1znv9v wrote

millions of american children starve everyday, in school and at home, what are you on about?


cspinasdf t1_j1zsa87 wrote

Not really, I mean its more of the opposite problem in America. Obesity is a significantly bigger problem in America. Arguably a bigger problem than starvation in most nations.


Sunapr1 t1_j1z0rdu wrote

Well as it turns both can be developed parallelhy who could have thought.....


avatarname t1_j1z6mu1 wrote

So we have cosmonauts, astronauts and taikonauts...

How will Indian space travellers be called?


Gari_305 OP t1_j1wy0gs wrote

From the Article

>In a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Jitendra Singh, minister of state (independent charge) of science and technology, atomic energy and space , said the crewed Gaganyaan mission—H1 mission—is being targeted to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2024.
>“In view of the paramount importance of crew safety, two test vehicle missions are planned before the ‘H1’ mission to demonstrate the performance of crew escape system and parachute-based deceleration system for different flight conditions,” Singh’s reply read


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zutc3 wrote

India spends around $2billion in space agency while $50 billion in fertilizer subsidies.. going in space and moving forward what's wrong in that if you can do it in a fraction of cost


[deleted] t1_j1ykqed wrote



sunoval2017 t1_j1yuahv wrote

Interested to know about the Chinese malfunctioning claim, any sources?


Anavorn t1_j1zy8it wrote

They didn't try unplugging it and then plugging it back in again


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yyocz wrote

>India made a few rovers to I believe

Yeah, the one that crashed onto the moon in a failed mission

>As far as I know, India and Japan are right behind the USA for space related stuff.

India is behind ESA, Russia, South korea, China and Japan. They are nowhere near the head of the pack


Sunapr1 t1_j1z6h71 wrote

You realize that is the only few failed missions right


FuturologyBot t1_j1x26lp wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the Article

>In a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Jitendra Singh, minister of state (independent charge) of science and technology, atomic energy and space , said the crewed Gaganyaan mission—H1 mission—is being targeted to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2024.
>“In view of the paramount importance of crew safety, two test vehicle missions are planned before the ‘H1’ mission to demonstrate the performance of crew escape system and parachute-based deceleration system for different flight conditions,” Singh’s reply read

Please reply to OP's comment here:


[deleted] t1_j1x0rlm wrote



2020Dystopian t1_j1zwnm0 wrote

Yawn. Chicken Tikka Masala has been out of this world for some time now.


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j1wyne7 wrote

India has been saying this is about to happen for decades...


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1ydauc wrote

Just like America has been saying they'll put a person on Mars


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j1yq0d5 wrote


Are you confusing Elon Musk with America?

trump made NASA say they'll do it be y 2033, but I mean.... What kind of idiot believes trump?


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z6tmd wrote

>Are you confusing Elon Musk with America?

Lmao you want me to take whatever that fried brain geezer says seriously?

>What kind of idiot believes trump?

Those who don't follow that dementia patient of a President you got? From the East's perspective Trump was a better President than the joke you got now


Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j1z8z50 wrote

I'm guessing you're saying "the East" because if you said a country I'd be able to look up their press freedoms rankings...


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z9m7g wrote

>press freedoms rankings

Ah yes yet another one of those studies/reports/indexes made by self-proclaimed Western "experts" who think the World will believe anything written by a White man.

Speaking of press freedom, you from the same country that organized a witch hunt against Julian Assange for exposing how the "greatest" country in the world really is?


falsevacuumDK t1_j1xevag wrote

Artemis / NASA never got delayed. They're perfect in every way.

Before you hurl criticism at others, look at your own self, you hateful creature.


South-Attorney-5209 t1_j1xfr6t wrote

At least Nasa has a track record of success….


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1ydf9t wrote

Yeah of wasting billions of dollars while we put a satellite on Mars costing less than a Hollywood movie


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yxv8k wrote

Largest slave labour country brags about low cost...


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z4wdv wrote

Biggest human rights violater brags about being civilized....


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z5wqh wrote

The West literally ended large scale practises of slavery worldwide


jbrockhaus33 t1_j215xzk wrote

The west also literally started it. The same energy as calling the guy who killed hitler a good guy


immrbluey t1_j1xojtx wrote

I remember NASA around 2010 saying they would have a person on Mars in the 2020s. Basically put that on the back burner for Artemis


[deleted] t1_j1y5nhs wrote



[deleted] t1_j1ydmrm wrote



Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1xj6rv wrote

When has India ever done anything right?


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1ydh9y wrote

When has America ever done anything right?


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yy18n wrote

Literally everything? Come back to us once you land on the moon. Oh wait, based on india's progress, we'll be long dead before that


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z4s1n wrote

Literally everything. Come back to us when you've colonised other Planets, stopped and reversed Aging. Oh wait, based on America's progress ,we'll be long dead before that


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z5s6t wrote

Spacex will have colonies on Mars by mid 2030s, well before India or China can even land on the moon. America is also actively making progress on a cure for aging


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z78iw wrote

>Spacex will have colonies on Mars by mid 2030s, well before India or China can even land on the moon.

Let's just hope it's not as vulnerable as that Cybertruck

>America is also actively making progress on a cure for aging

That only the elite rich will get. No way they're gonna hand them to you common folk


LowLifeExperience t1_j1xwpd9 wrote

Tell me when they accomplish clean water and sanitation all over India. Until then, this is no flex.


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1yd5oi wrote

Tell me when you people accomplish cheap healthcare and no school shootings all over America. Until then, NASA is no flex.


Whitley2001 t1_j1yfg59 wrote

Damn, you really need to calm down, maybe get a drink of water…


knowtoomuchtobehappy t1_j1yg0fu wrote

Is that the one from Flint?

Maybe you should go picket an abortion clinic or something?


CameronFrenchie t1_j1ynvxy wrote

Even though this entire comment chain is toxic im glad youre telling each other to sort genuine issues out 🤣😂😭


ai-dev t1_j1yiiki wrote

Flint has had clean water now for ten years now.


UncutMeat90 t1_j216lb9 wrote

They accomplished it 5000 years ago before any other civilization did in Harappa. But that's before whities came to murder and pillage


Unusual-Thing-7149 t1_j1x7lwx wrote

Meanwhile incredible poverty levels exist. No need to spend money on space


jussulent_tummy t1_j1x9bmp wrote

NASA should be dismantled, too many homeless people in the US.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1xj4kk wrote

US is the richest country on earth. This is like south sudan trying to build a taiwan tier semiconductor factory while they still in the middle of a nasty civil war. Some things take priority and development happens in steps. Countries that rush development don't do too well


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1ydvak wrote

British malding his country's irrelevant space program hasn't done anything as comapred to ours


lostbutokay t1_j1yw86p wrote

Bro UK has ESA. All India do is copy paste the tech.


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z54qo wrote

Bro India has ISRO. All the West does is downplay other country's ideas/accomplishments and steal them using patents/studies.


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zuz78 wrote

Copy paste?? You actually are an idiot to think that any country shares it's space technology..for your kind information they not.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j20xbaz wrote

You don't need to share the tech to steal it. And Indian rockets share many features as NASA rockets.


Ok_Side2575 t1_j21ypy6 wrote

Tell me you are idiot without telling me you are. you can't copy a missile or space ship with just it's image..the reason for being cause it doesn't happen that can ask anyone who has slightest idea of space and it's organisation and events that how different almost each tech is.. India acquired it's initial technology of satellite building from the Soviets not the west..

The niche like the geo spatial mapping satellite to Earth observation satellite to the mammath space vehicle to the cryogenic engine tech to heavy booster rockets all this is not only confidential but not shared by anyone ..

You just can't digest the fact that a country with shit ton of problems is planning to go to space..oh yup what would we achive form it?? ..well not only experience but the advancement in niche tech and not lagging behind in industrial revolution is the soul basis via a country can come out of poverty...

We were told to stop the day we build our nuclear power the day we launched our satellite the day we decided to build supercomputers the day we decided to produce IT and software..

Today a third world country India is a partner not only in Large hydron collider mission but also that in nuclear fusion technology in France

Problem exists but problems can't be explanation for a nation to stop it's build in other domains.. Everything needs priority when you already are centuries late from rest of the World..


KR1735 t1_j1xv59y wrote

I have to say I agree with you. Poverty there is pretty bad. Most Indians live on about $15/day.

It would seem more cost-effective for them to (continue to) cooperate in existing space agencies rather than funding an independent one. Use the remaining money to build infrastructure to combat poverty.

And besides that, I think space agencies should try to be as trans-national as possible. That's a matter of philosophy.

But not my country, not my problem.


Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1yehih wrote

>Poverty there is pretty bad. Most Indians live on about $15/day.

It's always these Democrats virtue signaling other countries. No wonder the rest of the world find you lot insufferable

>It would seem more cost-effective for them to (continue to) cooperate in existing space agencies rather than funding an independent one. Use the remaining money to build infrastructure to combat poverty.

>And besides that, I think space agencies should try to be as trans-national as possible. That's a matter of philosophy.

Space agencies couldn't give less of a damn about your opinion. Probably because you're a nobody Redditor

>But not my country, not my problem

And you still felt a need to comment. Next time mind your business and stay in your lane


[deleted] t1_j1yyf4m wrote



Extension_Ad6338 t1_j1z3t42 wrote

>India has like twice the number of slaves as China

That the US exploits by outsourcing manufacturing here so maybe don't go there

>Your shithole is a human right abuser on the same level as Iran, Russia and China.

While your woke degenerate shithole potrays itself as a human rights champion while having it's media cover up it's flaws. Bitch we ain't blind

>You should be sanctioned alongside them.

We should ban you Americans from coming here for cheap healthcare and stop exporting our medicines to you, more than half of you fellas will WD themselves


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z5ifx wrote

>That the US exploits by outsourcing manufacturing here so maybe don't go there

The US actively tries to avoid using slave labour. Also India also has a tons of sex slaves, so stop coping and deflecting the issues by blaming everything on America.

>Bitch we ain't blind

America has the best human right record on earth. There's a reason why millions of you do anything to get a green card and escape to western countries every year. Meanwhile Indian are actively supporting Russians in their genocidal war in vs Ukraine.

>We should ban you Americans from coming here for cheap healthcare

Doesn't happen. Not in India anyway.

>and stop exporting our medicines to you, more than half of you fellas will WD themselves

Lol. Do you really think America can't make it's own meds? America is already onshoring factories back from China, soon we'll come for your pharmaceutical industry


Sunapr1 t1_j1z0hnt wrote

bro you need to back up your claim everyfucking time you should comment


UncutMeat90 t1_j21789p wrote

You idiots don't even realize the value of money and cost of things. Sure even if an Indian makes $15 a day, $1 would buy me a delicious HEALTHY meal in India. $3 and I would be eating a buffet. But keep assuming you're an expert on India


ItachiUchihaSSJ t1_j1yda0z wrote

Get your numbers right dude, it's more like $6/day for the majority and majority being >70%


lostbutokay t1_j1yvui7 wrote

That’s still poor bro haha


AnIntellectualBadass t1_j1yyqah wrote

Who hurt you bud? You're going around this comments section spewing so much hatred towards India and Indians. Is everything ok in your life? I'll give you a hug if you need it.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z0n66 wrote

India is one of the big 3 country(Iran, China) that's supporting Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine by buying Russian oil and gas, refusing to sanction and condem Russia and still buying Russian weapons. If Biden had any balls, he will sanction India the same way he did to China and Iran. It's clear that India is an enemy state ti rhe West at this point.


Neither-Evidence-765 t1_j204tse wrote

India is just doing business. It’s nothing political. They’re not getting involved in everyone’s wars or starting them. Perhaps India wouldn’t have such a strong relationship with Russia if the US didn’t back Pakistan in the past. The US realized that was a mistake is trying to build relations with India, and India seems to have the upper hand now.

India is poor because the British stole wealth without returning it and prevented development and industrialization early on. If they can get cheap oil they will because they put India first. India’s consumption of oil per capita is very low but increasing and they don’t produce much oil at all. Perhaps if the British returned the wealth and took responsibility of their actions India, India wouldn’t be as dirty or polluted out poor or underdeveloped or have so much brain drain. Then, India could afford to buy oil from other nations. India could condemn Russia, but as we know it, Russia was one of the few forces that supported and helped after India’s independence. India and Russia have helped each other many times, where other nations have ignored India or supported China or Pakistan.

After the war, China is expected to make lots of money helping Russia rebuild and that is a threat to the quad and other nations. Therefore the US would rather have India swoop in and profit from helping Russia rebuild after the war. The US also does too much business in communist China but not enough in India so it makes sense to put sanctions there but not on here. The US is supporting the China who supports Russia by this business as India buys oil and fertilizer from Russia.

However, India is aligned with the US in the quad and they do military exercises together. The US understand India’s circumstances and doesn’t interfere as heavily as you may want. The US can’t tell India what to do.

Perhaps India may be the west’s way to strike peace talks with Russia. The cia has already praised Indias role in deescalating nuclear disaster. And perhaps India not joining Ukraine is preventing a world war. Alliances have started those wars. If India joined Ukraine then China and Iran and Pakistan might more heavily support Russia.

Regardless, India’s space missions and domestic military development will make India more independent and less reliant on Russia. It might be towards making India strong enough to break ties with Russia or take on China by itself. India will put India first. The west has put itself first on many occasions and this time India is doing it, and it actually might be a stance that will help end the war or prevent further violence else where.


ItachiUchihaSSJ t1_j205fek wrote

Wth... Supporting?? That's a big word. From what I've seen Indian PM and foreign ministers had infact condemned the war and had also called for an end to the war by reiterating multiple times that diplomacy is the way forward in contemporary world, if deranged crazy mf like Putin ain't listening how's that india's fault? and besides Europe is still buying more oil from Russia than both China and India combined.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j20w7d8 wrote

You can stop buying russian oil and gas for one. Or join the sanctions on Russia


ItachiUchihaSSJ t1_j228gn1 wrote

I understand that we should also be sanctioning Russia as this seems like a right thing to do but you also need to understand that we already trade lot less with Russia than you guys do, you guys are still buying more oil/gas from Russia than we are then how about you guys first stop buying from Russia and then we do, plus it's not like us stop buying Russian oil/gas would be of much use China will just most likely fully replace us. And us sanctioning Russia means we buying gas/oil from other sources and that'll put pressure on global supply further increasing the gas/oil prices around the world, it's a mess of a situation we all are in my friend, we want this war to end as soon as possible, inflammation and rising exchange rates, problems with global supply chains and eroding globalism is hurting everyone and not to mention all the poor people that are dying in that crazy mf's war. I wish well for all Ukrainians and hope Russian tyrant regime collapse.


AnIntellectualBadass t1_j1zm0gu wrote

I think we should do a group hug, you two definitely are going through some rough patch in life and are taking it out on other people. Not to forget, nobody actually cares about your opinions, they're just noise lol let's hug it out, this too shall pass.


lostbutokay t1_j1z0gfv wrote

You can hug me only if you’re as pretty as young Aishwarya Rai haha see I love Indians haha


AnIntellectualBadass t1_j1zls4a wrote

I don't think someone like Aishwarya would touch someone like you with even a 10 feet pole, maybe in some other universe where you're not an obvious loser. Sorry bud! It is what it is, I don't make the rules.