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copa8 t1_j1zv7ko wrote

Worse than anything about China? 🤔


send_nood_z t1_j200sdt wrote

Not comparing anything, also what you quoted is why I wrote other third world countries and others too.

Write something about Turkey Erdogan enters, post about something in Brazil then Bolsonaro and Favelas come, For China it becomes too racist to read, anything middle-east becomes about terrorists, etc. I don't know if my observation is biased but comments section is somewhat milder but still bad if post is about African countries.

I mean yeah we know our countries have problems, but people who post such rhetoric don't want to help or something but their attitude is of condescendence and smugness, not genuine concern about someone's sufferings or problems


woolcoat t1_j20398o wrote

yea, it's like if every piece of news coming out of the US has a comment section about BLM/racism, failing infrastructure, formula shortages/scandals, ballooning debt, Jan 6, insane CEO pay, ridiculous incarceration rate, treatment of immigrants at the border, child labor in Alabama, unaffordable housing, student debt, inflation, lack of affordable healthcare, millions affected by lead poisoning, Edward Snowden, Iraq war/Guantanamo, covid deaths, flint's water, the genocide of native Americans, colonization of Puerto Rico and Hawaii...

...did I get everything?


send_nood_z t1_j204lms wrote

You summed up every comment section I've seen. I used to think reddit was better than twitter but I see new lows everytime as you can see even in this comments section. I didn't mention anything about problems of other countries or said anything bad, yet people are blatantly violating Rule-1 of this sub

>Rule 1 - Respect
>Be respectful to others - this includes no hostility, racism, sexism, bigotry, etc.