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Neither-Evidence-765 t1_j204tse wrote

India is just doing business. It’s nothing political. They’re not getting involved in everyone’s wars or starting them. Perhaps India wouldn’t have such a strong relationship with Russia if the US didn’t back Pakistan in the past. The US realized that was a mistake is trying to build relations with India, and India seems to have the upper hand now.

India is poor because the British stole wealth without returning it and prevented development and industrialization early on. If they can get cheap oil they will because they put India first. India’s consumption of oil per capita is very low but increasing and they don’t produce much oil at all. Perhaps if the British returned the wealth and took responsibility of their actions India, India wouldn’t be as dirty or polluted out poor or underdeveloped or have so much brain drain. Then, India could afford to buy oil from other nations. India could condemn Russia, but as we know it, Russia was one of the few forces that supported and helped after India’s independence. India and Russia have helped each other many times, where other nations have ignored India or supported China or Pakistan.

After the war, China is expected to make lots of money helping Russia rebuild and that is a threat to the quad and other nations. Therefore the US would rather have India swoop in and profit from helping Russia rebuild after the war. The US also does too much business in communist China but not enough in India so it makes sense to put sanctions there but not on here. The US is supporting the China who supports Russia by this business as India buys oil and fertilizer from Russia.

However, India is aligned with the US in the quad and they do military exercises together. The US understand India’s circumstances and doesn’t interfere as heavily as you may want. The US can’t tell India what to do.

Perhaps India may be the west’s way to strike peace talks with Russia. The cia has already praised Indias role in deescalating nuclear disaster. And perhaps India not joining Ukraine is preventing a world war. Alliances have started those wars. If India joined Ukraine then China and Iran and Pakistan might more heavily support Russia.

Regardless, India’s space missions and domestic military development will make India more independent and less reliant on Russia. It might be towards making India strong enough to break ties with Russia or take on China by itself. India will put India first. The west has put itself first on many occasions and this time India is doing it, and it actually might be a stance that will help end the war or prevent further violence else where.