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SubtleSubterfugeStan t1_j0ps34p wrote

Lol, I can do Carpentry due to my father, wife and I grow a lot of our own food as well as the small community we're creating where we live. My goal is to keep learning till I can produce enough electricity on my own and store it.

We have below ground hand made water filtration system that we;re still trying to improve here since the rain water is so fucked.


dfeeney95 t1_j0psbu6 wrote

That’s badass man the lifestyle you’re building sounds very different than the doom and gloom world op is imagining


SubtleSubterfugeStan t1_j0pucwf wrote

Community and kindness is humanity's best bits and I just want to make a place of people of like minds to do the same.

The only way the common folk have made it through so many terrible events through out history is by sticking together and helping each other. I believe this will be the ultimate test of that.

Also, about the OP, I get being defeated. Life is hard right now but in a very silent way at times. We acknowledge that we live in a time that our ancestors could never even imagine could exist. So we should fill joy and be celebrating a life of real freedom. But instead humanity is still clinging onto to the last visage of animal savagery in us and glorifying in it.

Truth is for most people, the coming famines and chaos will be the end. Even for people "prepared" for it will probably perish as well. But the only way to make it at all is by sticking together and sharing and pooling talents/resources together.


Thanks for coming to my TED talk that is all.