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ImthatRootuser t1_j0sr5ke wrote

Computers made life easy for humans to process their work. Will AI gonna make life easy so humans don't work at all? Capacities of AI is increasing everyday. There will be a time where you don't need people to cook you food basically. AI is getting better at writing code by itself. I don't think we will need many IT people in future also. AI will be able to monitor systems and fix it by itself on issues. I think this will be real in 10 to 15 years. Maybe less. But not sure what humans will do when it takes a place.


Edarneor t1_j0v04dr wrote

>Maybe less. But not sure what humans will do when it takes a place.

Sex workers, I assume ;) Unless robots take that over too... :D

But seriously - any profession, where you want to see a human. Entertainment, sports, etc...
How would this kind of economy be sustainable is the question.


firewolf8385 t1_j0t4jei wrote

AI of course will take some jobs, but it will never be able to do everything, especially by itself. The furthest AI can ever really get programming-wise is as an assistant for example, you still need someone pulling the strings. As AI improves it’ll definitely drastically change industries, and learning how to use it will be a desired skill, but it’ll still need a human involved somewhere in the process.