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dontpet t1_j0r3mau wrote

The report says... >From 2022 to 2025, global electricity demand is forecast to grow 2.8% annually on average, or by an absolute of ~2 496 TWh. Renewable energy will provide the majority share of additional demand at 90%. The remaining gap of ~83 TWh will be covered by coal- and gas-fired power generation. The largest increases in coal burn are forecast for China (+5%), India (+7%) and Southeast Asia (+14%). Meanwhile, coal-fired power generation will continue to contract in the United States (-18%) while a return to a declining trajectory is expected for the European Union (-29%).

IEA consistently underestimates renewable growth. If history is any guide this report should be saying quite the opposite. That we have likely hit peak coal and fossil fuel consumption this year and that renewables are the champion that is doing this.

Edit: I expect this op report doesn't include these upgraded expectations.


Heap_Good_Firewater t1_j0ro19p wrote

I read somewhere that electricity only accounts for around 30% of all energy usage. I hope this is outdated or a misunderstanding on my part. Can’t seem to find confirmation.


dontpet t1_j0s9e7g wrote

A mitigating factor when you consider energy instead of power is that somewhere between 30 and 50% of energy in most cases is expelled as waste heat. Those thermal power plants and vehicle transport energy cases shouldn't be compared one to one with renewables.


TerrestrialJoe t1_j0tfu52 wrote

In a lot of countries the waste heat is used for district heating. Raising the system efficiency to 80-90%.


disisdashiz t1_j0s2x8d wrote

It's better to fear monger. People are stupid and lazy. If we say the world's gonna burn. Which it will. People will do something about it. If we say it's all fine and dandy assholes will feel they're pollute without care again.


pihb666 t1_j0txogl wrote

People have been saying the world is going to burn since the 90's. Hasn't really made a big difference.


AnkalaevWillBeTop5 t1_j0vnjhd wrote

This. If anything, there is just burnout on this and people hear it and roll their eyes and move on.