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disisdashiz t1_j0t3mn2 wrote

I swear I've heard that same thing said before. That they are impossible to explode. Three separate times from three separate countries. All of whom said the same thing in the last 100 years. Thankfully there is a 33% chance that the area isn't contaminated for 10,000 years.

Not exploding is only true when humans don't fuck shit up. No one is lazy. No one is greedy or corrupt. I've read a couple other stories of shit getting close to blowing up or causing a leak. I honestly wonder how many have fucked up and nobody was told. Then you've got the waste. Which, can you honestly tell me? You trust every government with a plant to dispose of properly for the next 10,000 years. I certainly don't. Fuck NK has hydro ones. I bet they dispose of it by feeding it to their cave prisoners.
