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baldieforprez t1_j22n2jf wrote

We need certain fundamental technologies to even think of building a generational ship. Like a power source that can last thousands of years. we haven't even built a spinny space thingie yet. Also, we lack the rockets to get that amount of material in space—also lack of space fabrication.


Right now it would be a pipe dream at best or a suicide trip at worst.


VincentVancalbergh t1_j238gqj wrote

Just a simple button would need to not rust/wither over the course of the duration.


bigmikemcbeth756 OP t1_j22yjb3 wrote

I'm thinking something like nuclear power but not as bad


baldieforprez t1_j241r3x wrote

You can easily put a nuclear recator in outer space. It has been done any times. The issue is the longevity required.